volvo driver learns a valuable lesson about putting his foot down

volvo driver learns a valuable lesson about putting his foot down

stupidest driver in a while

stupidest driver in a while

follow the leader

follow the leader

car park unawareness

car park unawareness

doesn't care

doesn't care

angry mans hits a cyclist and road rages over it

angry mans hits a cyclist and road rages over it

good animal control

good animal control

yes, I do need that braking distance

yes, I do need that braking distance

I don't want to hear a fucking thing about undertaking

I don't want to hear a fucking thing about undertaking

not at 5am, love

not at 5am, love

careless offsiding

careless offsiding

road police fail

road police fail

blind van driver

blind van driver

panda eats two trailers

panda eats two trailers

london driving in the countryside

london driving in the countryside



can't drive their big car

can't drive their big car

just pretend I'm not there

just pretend I'm not there

driver hits me, pays for it

driver hits me, pays for it

not a good look

not a good look

making progress

making progress

so much damn signalling

so much damn signalling

nutty deer avoidance

nutty deer avoidance

wanna see some real speeed bitch

wanna see some real speeed bitch

sucking a moffett

sucking a moffett

suicidal skoda

suicidal skoda



getting stuck at broken traffic lights in a 50ft lorry

getting stuck at broken traffic lights in a 50ft lorry

losing an airline

losing an airline

pedestrian almost gets flattened

pedestrian almost gets flattened