When it's 1865 and you have to free your slaves

When it's 1865 and you have to free your slaves

Going to a restaurant in America vs Europe

Going to a restaurant in America vs Europe

When you're scared of bees but your friends are around

When you're scared of bees but your friends are around

Logging into literally anything nowadays be like...

Logging into literally anything nowadays be like...

When someone steals your credit card and uses it to donate to charity

When someone steals your credit card and uses it to donate to charity

When HitIer makes an apology video

When HitIer makes an apology video

When Olympic athletes trash talk each other

When Olympic athletes trash talk each other

It's time to play...

It's time to play...

When the plot is too confusing

When the plot is too confusing

When Washington and Lincoln discover the internet (in 2024)

When Washington and Lincoln discover the internet (in 2024)

When it's Passover and a Jew(ish person) forgets to put lamb's blood on their door

When it's Passover and a Jew(ish person) forgets to put lamb's blood on their door

When your conspiracy theorist friend turns out to be right

When your conspiracy theorist friend turns out to be right

When it's your first day as a hitman

When it's your first day as a hitman

The day language was invented

The day language was invented

When someone doesn't know when to shut up

When someone doesn't know when to shut up

When an aborted fetus tries to get into Heaven

When an aborted fetus tries to get into Heaven

When you look up how to pronounce something on Youtube

When you look up how to pronounce something on Youtube

When Washington and Lincoln go to the Hamilton musical (in 2024)

When Washington and Lincoln go to the Hamilton musical (in 2024)

The day that addition was invented

The day that addition was invented

When Satan tries to tempt Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge

When Satan tries to tempt Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge

Watching the news in April 2024 be like...

Watching the news in April 2024 be like...

When you volunteer to sacrifice yourself

When you volunteer to sacrifice yourself

The day the dictionary was written

The day the dictionary was written

If Judgement Day was like a normal trial (part 2)

If Judgement Day was like a normal trial (part 2)

If Judgement Day was like a normal trial

If Judgement Day was like a normal trial

When Washington and Lincoln attend a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Workshop (in 2024)

When Washington and Lincoln attend a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Workshop (in 2024)

The Super Duper Official FIat Earth Recruitment Video

The Super Duper Official FIat Earth Recruitment Video

When David Goggins is your roommate

When David Goggins is your roommate

When the sign language interpreter is also an activist

When the sign language interpreter is also an activist

Boeing after the next airplane incident

Boeing after the next airplane incident