Oxygen Masks Needed: US Special Ops Forces & Support Team Jumps – HALO/HAHO

Oxygen Masks Needed: US Special Ops Forces & Support Team Jumps – HALO/HAHO

Powerful 30mm Chain Gun in Action: AH-64 Apache, M-SHORAD & JLTV Firepower

Powerful 30mm Chain Gun in Action: AH-64 Apache, M-SHORAD & JLTV Firepower

NATO's Deep Sea Rescue: Docking with Submarines in Action

NATO's Deep Sea Rescue: Docking with Submarines in Action

New Communication Logs Revealed: Wreckage of the Titan Submersible at a Depth of 3,700 Meters

New Communication Logs Revealed: Wreckage of the Titan Submersible at a Depth of 3,700 Meters

Amazing Touch-and-Go Landings Compilation: Fighter Jets, Bombers, and More

Amazing Touch-and-Go Landings Compilation: Fighter Jets, Bombers, and More

America's New Weapon Capable of Sinking 40,000-Ton Giant Warship

America's New Weapon Capable of Sinking 40,000-Ton Giant Warship

Inside America's ICBM Facility: Secret Nuclear Button Beneath a Great Plains Farm

Inside America's ICBM Facility: Secret Nuclear Button Beneath a Great Plains Farm

NATO Fighter Jets Land on Highway Near Russia in Exercise – US F-35, Finnish F/A-18, German Typhoon

NATO Fighter Jets Land on Highway Near Russia in Exercise – US F-35, Finnish F/A-18, German Typhoon

US Marines' New Amphibious Combat Vehicles Land in Japan and South Korea

US Marines' New Amphibious Combat Vehicles Land in Japan and South Korea

Ukraine's F-16 Fighter Jets: Pilot Training & Challenges

Ukraine's F-16 Fighter Jets: Pilot Training & Challenges

How the Dry Deck Shelter Works: Submarine Module for US Navy SEALs & Special Ops

How the Dry Deck Shelter Works: Submarine Module for US Navy SEALs & Special Ops

Inside the Factory: How Steel Bars Become 155mm Artillery Shells

Inside the Factory: How Steel Bars Become 155mm Artillery Shells

US Marines' Incredible Skills: Zodiac Boats Launch & Recovery from Ships, Submarines & Air

US Marines' Incredible Skills: Zodiac Boats Launch & Recovery from Ships, Submarines & Air

US Marines & Japanese Army Train at the World's Toughest Jungle Facility Amid China Tensions

US Marines & Japanese Army Train at the World's Toughest Jungle Facility Amid China Tensions

Military Marching 2024: World's Armies' Diverse Marching Styles on Display

Military Marching 2024: World's Armies' Diverse Marching Styles on Display

NATO's Soviet-Made MiG-29 Fighter Jets Defending the Eastern Flank Skies

NATO's Soviet-Made MiG-29 Fighter Jets Defending the Eastern Flank Skies

Tense CIC & Bridge: NATO Warships' Anti-Air, Sub, and Surface Warfare Exercises

Tense CIC & Bridge: NATO Warships' Anti-Air, Sub, and Surface Warfare Exercises

How the US Military Knocks on Doors: From Kicks to SIMON Breach Grenades

How the US Military Knocks on Doors: From Kicks to SIMON Breach Grenades

RIMPAC 2024: Highlights from the Biggest Maritime Exercise on Earth

RIMPAC 2024: Highlights from the Biggest Maritime Exercise on Earth

AC-130 Gunship Turns Highway into Runway: Historic First Landing and Takeoff

AC-130 Gunship Turns Highway into Runway: Historic First Landing and Takeoff

World's Most Powerful Pistol: Pull the Trigger and Laser-Guided Weapons Fall

World's Most Powerful Pistol: Pull the Trigger and Laser-Guided Weapons Fall

Inside America's Fortress Protected by Massive Steel Doors – Cheyenne Mountain

Inside America's Fortress Protected by Massive Steel Doors – Cheyenne Mountain

AMAZING GoPro Footage of the A-10 Warthog in Action

AMAZING GoPro Footage of the A-10 Warthog in Action

Inside Look: Ukraine's BMP-1 vs. 100x More Comfortable M2 Bradley

Inside Look: Ukraine's BMP-1 vs. 100x More Comfortable M2 Bradley

Recruits to Warriors: How Terrifying Instructors Make US Marines – Boot Camp

Recruits to Warriors: How Terrifying Instructors Make US Marines – Boot Camp

Strongest People on Earth: Fearless Warriors' Battle Cries & Songs

Strongest People on Earth: Fearless Warriors' Battle Cries & Songs

Explore Inside the US Stealth Amphibious Warship: Walk Through the San Antonio-Class

Explore Inside the US Stealth Amphibious Warship: Walk Through the San Antonio-Class

Stealthy Special Ops Boats: US Navy SEALs' Secret Weapons

Stealthy Special Ops Boats: US Navy SEALs' Secret Weapons

M2 Browning with Sniper Scope: New Optic Enhances .50 Cal Heavy Machine Guns

M2 Browning with Sniper Scope: New Optic Enhances .50 Cal Heavy Machine Guns

Ghost Ship of the Baltic Sea: Inside Sweden's Ultimate Stealth Corvette

Ghost Ship of the Baltic Sea: Inside Sweden's Ultimate Stealth Corvette