How to make a boat from plywood without having to fiber it by KAPAL MERAH® Marine Plywood

How to make a boat from plywood without having to fiber it by KAPAL MERAH® Marine Plywood

Easy way to make a fishing boat from wood

Easy way to make a fishing boat from wood

stages of making a simple wooden boat model

stages of making a simple wooden boat model

Build a wooden boat from start to finish

Build a wooden boat from start to finish

the process of installing two engine units on a large ship

the process of installing two engine units on a large ship

installing two engine units on a wooden boat to the trial stage

installing two engine units on a wooden boat to the trial stage

Unique tradition !!! LAUNCHING OF WOODEN SHIP - Pulled by hundreds of human power.

Unique tradition !!! LAUNCHING OF WOODEN SHIP - Pulled by hundreds of human power.

A simple way to make a wooden boat 7 meters long and 1 meter wide

A simple way to make a wooden boat 7 meters long and 1 meter wide

The tradition of launching wooden boats together

The tradition of launching wooden boats together

A simple way to make a boat out of wood using only three boards

A simple way to make a boat out of wood using only three boards

An easy way to make a wooden kayak for fishing in lakes and rivers

An easy way to make a wooden kayak for fishing in lakes and rivers

a simple way to make a boat from wood Robin pro quip engine Qb 20

a simple way to make a boat from wood Robin pro quip engine Qb 20

How to make a boat out of wood for fishing using a machine Honda GX 390 jialing 13 Hp

How to make a boat out of wood for fishing using a machine Honda GX 390 jialing 13 Hp

Peluncuran kapal kayu tradisional buat mancing || dengan cara gotong royong( fishing boat)

Peluncuran kapal kayu tradisional buat mancing || dengan cara gotong royong( fishing boat)

peluncuran kapal kayu berukuran besar dengan cara gotong royong

peluncuran kapal kayu berukuran besar dengan cara gotong royong

TES DRIVE PERAHU BARU || peluncuran perahu kayu

TES DRIVE PERAHU BARU || peluncuran perahu kayu

I'm not satisfied with the factory-made propeller and i changed it

I'm not satisfied with the factory-made propeller and i changed it

Small boat launch and speed test

Small boat launch and speed test

step by step make a wooden boat from start to finish 13 meters long 2 meters wide

step by step make a wooden boat from start to finish 13 meters long 2 meters wide

Metode lama tetap yang terbaik sepanjang sejarah pembuatan perahu kayu #indonesiaku

Metode lama tetap yang terbaik sepanjang sejarah pembuatan perahu kayu #indonesiaku

we lowered a ship of this size without the help of heavy equipment|| ship launching process

we lowered a ship of this size without the help of heavy equipment|| ship launching process

Saya memasangkan dua mesin sekaligus di perahu kayu || mesin utama & mesin cadangan

Saya memasangkan dua mesin sekaligus di perahu kayu || mesin utama & mesin cadangan

the first step to make a wooden boat

the first step to make a wooden boat

installation of 2 units of Mitsubishi L 300 car engines on wooden boats

installation of 2 units of Mitsubishi L 300 car engines on wooden boats

make a wooden boat 11 meters long and 1.5 meters wide up 5 boards. part 2

make a wooden boat 11 meters long and 1.5 meters wide up 5 boards. part 2

make a wooden boat 11 meters long and 1.5 meters wide up 5 boards. part 1

make a wooden boat 11 meters long and 1.5 meters wide up 5 boards. part 1

wooden boat launching fishing model up 7 pieces long 17 meters wide 2.5 meters

wooden boat launching fishing model up 7 pieces long 17 meters wide 2.5 meters

How to make a canoe for fishing with only 500 thousand rupiah

How to make a canoe for fishing with only 500 thousand rupiah

how to make a wooden boat / boat || part

how to make a wooden boat / boat || part

Modification of this factory-made propeller is the way to make the engine rotation lighter

Modification of this factory-made propeller is the way to make the engine rotation lighter