Head injuries: long-term management and mitigating the damage after an incident | Tommy Wood

Head injuries: long-term management and mitigating the damage after an incident | Tommy Wood

How does blood flow restriction training produce such high levels of hypertrophy? | Jeremy Loenneke

How does blood flow restriction training produce such high levels of hypertrophy? | Jeremy Loenneke

Does type 2 diabetes increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease? | Peter Attia and Rhonda Patrick

Does type 2 diabetes increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease? | Peter Attia and Rhonda Patrick

How to think about preserving aerobic capacity and muscle mass into old age | Alex Hutchinson

How to think about preserving aerobic capacity and muscle mass into old age | Alex Hutchinson

317 ‒ Reforming medicine: uncovering blind spots, challenging the norm, and embracing innovation

317 ‒ Reforming medicine: uncovering blind spots, challenging the norm, and embracing innovation

Age-related cognitive decline: warning signs, risk factors, and prevention | Tommy Wood

Age-related cognitive decline: warning signs, risk factors, and prevention | Tommy Wood

Is it necessary to train to muscular failure? | Peter Attia and Layne Norton

Is it necessary to train to muscular failure? | Peter Attia and Layne Norton

The elbow: common injuries, pain points, treatments, anatomy, & more | Peter Attia and Alton Barron

The elbow: common injuries, pain points, treatments, anatomy, & more | Peter Attia and Alton Barron

The positive impact of exercise on brain health | Peter Attia and Kellyann Niotis

The positive impact of exercise on brain health | Peter Attia and Kellyann Niotis

Can we enhance our vision beyond 20/20? | Peter Attia and Steven Dell

Can we enhance our vision beyond 20/20? | Peter Attia and Steven Dell

Strength or muscle mass—which is more important? | Peter Attia and Alex Hutchinson

Strength or muscle mass—which is more important? | Peter Attia and Alex Hutchinson

A guide for hair loss: causes, treatments, transplants, & more (AMA 63 sneak peek)

A guide for hair loss: causes, treatments, transplants, & more (AMA 63 sneak peek)

Parkinson’s disease: early signs, diagnosis, genetics, causative triggers, and more

Parkinson’s disease: early signs, diagnosis, genetics, causative triggers, and more

Common causes of hip pain in people under 50 | Peter Attia and Adam Cohen

Common causes of hip pain in people under 50 | Peter Attia and Adam Cohen

Tips for preserving eye health | Peter Attia and Steven Dell

Tips for preserving eye health | Peter Attia and Steven Dell

Why maintaining weight loss is more challenging than losing weight | Peter Attia and David Allison

Why maintaining weight loss is more challenging than losing weight | Peter Attia and David Allison

Is screen time bad for eye health? | Peter Attia and Steven Dell

Is screen time bad for eye health? | Peter Attia and Steven Dell

Exercise volume and health: minimum dose, optimal dose, and can too much exercise shorten lifespan?

Exercise volume and health: minimum dose, optimal dose, and can too much exercise shorten lifespan?

Why we need a paradigm shift in the way we think about obesity | Peter Attia and David Allison

Why we need a paradigm shift in the way we think about obesity | Peter Attia and David Allison

Why do women live longer and have more neurodegenerative diseases than men? | Steve Austad

Why do women live longer and have more neurodegenerative diseases than men? | Steve Austad

Understanding cortisol: it's role in muscle protein synthesis, pain tolerance, and more

Understanding cortisol: it's role in muscle protein synthesis, pain tolerance, and more

The connection between caloric restriction and lifespan | Peter Attia and Steve Austad

The connection between caloric restriction and lifespan | Peter Attia and Steve Austad

Understanding common shoulder injuries | Peter Attia and Alton Barron

Understanding common shoulder injuries | Peter Attia and Alton Barron

Training for strength: advice for beginners and non-powerlifters | Peter Attia and Layne Norton

Training for strength: advice for beginners and non-powerlifters | Peter Attia and Layne Norton

315 ‒ Life after near-death: a new perspective on living, dying, and the afterlife

315 ‒ Life after near-death: a new perspective on living, dying, and the afterlife

How muscular strength can help with both prevention and survivability of dementia | Tommy Wood

How muscular strength can help with both prevention and survivability of dementia | Tommy Wood

Ethical and practical considerations of obesity drugs: risks, benefits, and motivations for usage

Ethical and practical considerations of obesity drugs: risks, benefits, and motivations for usage

Ozempic & other GLP-1 receptor agnonists: the societal impact & controversy of their growing usage

Ozempic & other GLP-1 receptor agnonists: the societal impact & controversy of their growing usage

Why have rates of obesity and diabetes increased so rapidly in the past 50 years? | David Allison

Why have rates of obesity and diabetes increased so rapidly in the past 50 years? | David Allison

Why is obesity such a difficult public health issue to solve? | Peter Attia and David Allison

Why is obesity such a difficult public health issue to solve? | Peter Attia and David Allison