Evil husband ignored and planned to remove us after I tried to give birth to his child for 12 years

Evil husband ignored and planned to remove us after I tried to give birth to his child for 12 years

Trashy husband tricked me to marry him to care for his child so he could spend time with his affair

Trashy husband tricked me to marry him to care for his child so he could spend time with his affair

I resorted to my bestie’s hotel after being expelled by my husband and found out he cheated there

I resorted to my bestie’s hotel after being expelled by my husband and found out he cheated there

Vile husband abused me with our son and expelled me till I met them again at my son’s wedding

Vile husband abused me with our son and expelled me till I met them again at my son’s wedding

My wicked DIL poisoned my food, trying to get rid of me, but she knelt down in pain

My wicked DIL poisoned my food, trying to get rid of me, but she knelt down in pain

My trashy son and his wife came back to steal all my money away, forcing me to serve them

My trashy son and his wife came back to steal all my money away, forcing me to serve them

My boss’s daughter planned to fire me to flaunt her power but I was the one with that right

My boss’s daughter planned to fire me to flaunt her power but I was the one with that right

My little girl urged me to wake up at 2 a.m to flee from my evil husband trying to get rid of us

My little girl urged me to wake up at 2 a.m to flee from my evil husband trying to get rid of us

My trashy husband and in-laws stole our seats and kicked my dad out of his own 60th birthday

My trashy husband and in-laws stole our seats and kicked my dad out of his own 60th birthday

Rotten ex gave himself the right to still despise me when we met again after years of dumping me

Rotten ex gave himself the right to still despise me when we met again after years of dumping me

Greedy MIL barged in while I was away and stole my earrings so I called the cops on her

Greedy MIL barged in while I was away and stole my earrings so I called the cops on her

Parasitic husband and MIL feared for my lack of support so they forced me to abort my child

Parasitic husband and MIL feared for my lack of support so they forced me to abort my child

My rotten husband urged me to file for the divorce so I agreed but he dismissed and accused me

My rotten husband urged me to file for the divorce so I agreed but he dismissed and accused me

My scum MIL cornered me in my own wedding while making way for stupid husband to his affair

My scum MIL cornered me in my own wedding while making way for stupid husband to his affair

Trashy colleague forced me out of my dream company after stealing all the credit so I bought it

Trashy colleague forced me out of my dream company after stealing all the credit so I bought it

Crazy MIL came to my parents to drag me back to her house for the undone chores till she heard

Crazy MIL came to my parents to drag me back to her house for the undone chores till she heard

Trashy MIL disrespected me by throwing the cake I bought for FIL’s 60th birthday and lectured me

Trashy MIL disrespected me by throwing the cake I bought for FIL’s 60th birthday and lectured me

My cold husband ignored and dumped his sick father onto me to spend time on his affair

My cold husband ignored and dumped his sick father onto me to spend time on his affair

Scum husband and SIL tricked me to steal my card but I swapped it and left them stranded in Alaska

Scum husband and SIL tricked me to steal my card but I swapped it and left them stranded in Alaska

My client’s entitled wife falsely accused me and set me up to be fired for her son’s sake

My client’s entitled wife falsely accused me and set me up to be fired for her son’s sake

Wicked MIL bore her hatred by dumping all the hard chores on me after my giving birth to twins

Wicked MIL bore her hatred by dumping all the hard chores on me after my giving birth to twins

Greedy MIL stole the card in my purse for her crazy spending, not knowing that wasn’t mine

Greedy MIL stole the card in my purse for her crazy spending, not knowing that wasn’t mine

My cold MIL dismissed her own son’s last wish and ignored the funeral as well, belittling his assets

My cold MIL dismissed her own son’s last wish and ignored the funeral as well, belittling his assets

Wicked husband caused me to fall into paralysis after a car crash yet he even ignored me in hospital

Wicked husband caused me to fall into paralysis after a car crash yet he even ignored me in hospital

I sent money to MIL and left my kids for her care but she swindled the money and starved them

I sent money to MIL and left my kids for her care but she swindled the money and starved them

Scum MIL and husband mistreated and disowned BIL in the wheelchair but he then stood up!?

Scum MIL and husband mistreated and disowned BIL in the wheelchair but he then stood up!?

After I built our dream business at my wife’s request, she dismissed and cheated on me

After I built our dream business at my wife’s request, she dismissed and cheated on me

I left my kids to cold in-laws for a business trip, not knowing they turned the kids to thin corpses

I left my kids to cold in-laws for a business trip, not knowing they turned the kids to thin corpses

SIL discriminated me for being an outcast to their family till MIL gave all the attention to me

SIL discriminated me for being an outcast to their family till MIL gave all the attention to me

My cold eldest son banned me from joining his wedding due to my low rank in life as a factory worker

My cold eldest son banned me from joining his wedding due to my low rank in life as a factory worker