Christians in Crisis: Practical instructions for Christians from the Apostle Peter.

Christians in Crisis: Practical instructions for Christians from the Apostle Peter.

Paul's Advice to Husbands

Paul's Advice to Husbands

Labor: Your Holy Vocation

Labor: Your Holy Vocation

The Heart of the Gospel (Romans 3:21-26)

The Heart of the Gospel (Romans 3:21-26)

The Transfiguration of Christ

The Transfiguration of Christ

Peter's Confession at Caesarea Philippi

Peter's Confession at Caesarea Philippi

Christians in Conflict (Biblical tools for resolving disputes)

Christians in Conflict (Biblical tools for resolving disputes)

The Power of a Gentle Voice

The Power of a Gentle Voice

A Tale of a Tinker

A Tale of a Tinker

The Strange Case of Balaam

The Strange Case of Balaam

Teaching Civics Classically (Political theory for smart high schoolers)

Teaching Civics Classically (Political theory for smart high schoolers)

Abraham's Supreme Act of Faith (Genesis 22)

Abraham's Supreme Act of Faith (Genesis 22)

A Brief Theology and History of Israel

A Brief Theology and History of Israel

49. Feed My Sheep (John 21; 6/2/2024)

49. Feed My Sheep (John 21; 6/2/2024)

48. He is Risen! (John 20:19-42, 5/26/2024)

48. He is Risen! (John 20:19-42, 5/26/2024)

47. An Empty Tomb (John 20:1-18, 5/19/2024)

47. An Empty Tomb (John 20:1-18, 5/19/2024)

46. It is Finished (John 19:23-42, 5/5/2024)

46. It is Finished (John 19:23-42, 5/5/2024)

45. No King But Caesar!

45. No King But Caesar!

44. Jesus on Trial (John 18:19 - 40, 4/21/2024)

44. Jesus on Trial (John 18:19 - 40, 4/21/2024)

Breathing Space Astronomy (03 30 24)

Breathing Space Astronomy (03 30 24)

43. Betrayal and Denial (John 18:1-18; 3/24/2024)

43. Betrayal and Denial (John 18:1-18; 3/24/2024)

42. Jesus prays for his disciples (John 17, 3/17/2024)

42. Jesus prays for his disciples (John 17, 3/17/2024)

41. A New Advocate (John 16:4-33, 3/3/2024)

41. A New Advocate (John 16:4-33, 3/3/2024)

40. Good News and Bad News (John 15:11 - 16:4, 2/25/2024)

40. Good News and Bad News (John 15:11 - 16:4, 2/25/2024)

39. Our True Home (14:22 – 15:10, 2/4/2024)

39. Our True Home (14:22 – 15:10, 2/4/2024)

6(a). Footnote to the Wedding at Cana (John 2:1-2; 1/28/2024)

6(a). Footnote to the Wedding at Cana (John 2:1-2; 1/28/2024)

38. My Father's House (John 14:1-21; 1/21/2024)

38. My Father's House (John 14:1-21; 1/21/2024)

Jenny Returns 2 Astronomy 12 16 23

Jenny Returns 2 Astronomy 12 16 23

37. Betrayal and Denial (John 13:21 - 14:6, 12/3/2023)

37. Betrayal and Denial (John 13:21 - 14:6, 12/3/2023)

36. Lessons in Foot Washing (John 13:1-20; 11/26/2023)

36. Lessons in Foot Washing (John 13:1-20; 11/26/2023)