Clean hands and a pure heart

Clean hands and a pure heart

Jesus leads us into the storm

Jesus leads us into the storm

The Overwhelming Kingdom of God

The Overwhelming Kingdom of God

Fitting in with the crowd or standing out with Jesus

Fitting in with the crowd or standing out with Jesus

The Stories of Our People: Roger Conover

The Stories of Our People: Roger Conover

God: Transcendent and Immanent

God: Transcendent and Immanent

The Gospel According to Slime Mold: A Trinity Sunday Sermon

The Gospel According to Slime Mold: A Trinity Sunday Sermon

The Healing and Hope of the Holy Spirit

The Healing and Hope of the Holy Spirit

How do I make a difficult decision?

How do I make a difficult decision?

Will you be my friend?

Will you be my friend?

Bridging Difference in a Time of Division (or, Being Philip)

Bridging Difference in a Time of Division (or, Being Philip)

The Stories of Our People: Blanca

The Stories of Our People: Blanca

Jesus who is close and tender

Jesus who is close and tender

Unreasonable love, grace, mercy…

Unreasonable love, grace, mercy…

Perhaps “doubt” isn’t the problem

Perhaps “doubt” isn’t the problem

In the Maelstrom

In the Maelstrom

Faith and Fear on Palm Sunday

Faith and Fear on Palm Sunday

Right and Clean

Right and Clean

Grits and Grace

Grits and Grace

The Power of Weakness

The Power of Weakness

Just Six Numbers by Martin Rees

Just Six Numbers by Martin Rees

Take up your cross

Take up your cross

Roman Politics and the Gospel

Roman Politics and the Gospel

When the Wild Things Come

When the Wild Things Come

Seeing Jesus Everywhere

Seeing Jesus Everywhere

What made Peter go from denying Christ to preaching Christ?

What made Peter go from denying Christ to preaching Christ?

What Bible Did the First Christians Use?

What Bible Did the First Christians Use?

Is the New Testament Antisemitic?

Is the New Testament Antisemitic?

On rest, solitude, prayer, stillness, and putting things down.

On rest, solitude, prayer, stillness, and putting things down.

Paul turns “Can I eat that?” into a masterclass on life

Paul turns “Can I eat that?” into a masterclass on life