How To Deepen Your Connection With Your Body #nervoussystemhealing

How To Deepen Your Connection With Your Body #nervoussystemhealing

The link between anxiety & fight, flight, freeze (aka: our survival responses) #nervoussystem

The link between anxiety & fight, flight, freeze (aka: our survival responses) #nervoussystem

Anxiety: what most people are still getting wrong about the nervous system

Anxiety: what most people are still getting wrong about the nervous system

An analogy for why integration is essential #nervoussystemhealing #healingtrauma

An analogy for why integration is essential #nervoussystemhealing #healingtrauma

A personal message from Irene

A personal message from Irene

“How Does One Work with the Primary Diaphragms Without a Second Person?” #nervoussystem #qanda

“How Does One Work with the Primary Diaphragms Without a Second Person?” #nervoussystem #qanda

Promising results from the first research study on SmartBody SmartMind™ #interoception

Promising results from the first research study on SmartBody SmartMind™ #interoception

Setting compassionate boundaries & re-learning how to learn. Linda’s SBSM success story

Setting compassionate boundaries & re-learning how to learn. Linda’s SBSM success story

Service to others via nervous system healing (Bernadet's story)

Service to others via nervous system healing (Bernadet's story)

“I can calm myself down in record time now.” Lee’s SBSM success story #cptsd #healingtrauma

“I can calm myself down in record time now.” Lee’s SBSM success story #cptsd #healingtrauma

"You don’t how to row yet, but you can learn" (an analogy) #traumahealingjourney

“Someone finally understood what I was dealing with.” Shira’s SBSM success story #adrenalfatigue

“Someone finally understood what I was dealing with.” Shira’s SBSM success story #adrenalfatigue

Not getting “swallowed up” by trivial things anymore #nervoussystemhealing

Not getting “swallowed up” by trivial things anymore #nervoussystemhealing

“Now I see myself as a person who deserves to heal.” Heather’s SBSM success story #chronicpain

“Now I see myself as a person who deserves to heal.” Heather’s SBSM success story #chronicpain

“I’m so pleased I believed in myself and my own healing” Lindsey’s SBSM Success Story #healingtrauma

“I’m so pleased I believed in myself and my own healing” Lindsey’s SBSM Success Story #healingtrauma

Are you truly regulated... or just managing dysregulation? #nervoussystemregulation

Are you truly regulated... or just managing dysregulation? #nervoussystemregulation

Coping mechanisms & early trauma – an alternative to quitting “cold turkey” #nervoussystemhealing

Coping mechanisms & early trauma – an alternative to quitting “cold turkey” #nervoussystemhealing

"Feels like war between all the somatic gurus." (My musings on this comment.)

"For the first time in my life, I felt peace..." Hosannah's SBSM Success Story #earlytrauma

From nervous system breakdown to living & healing with syringomyelia (Darla's Story)

From nervous system breakdown to living & healing with syringomyelia (Darla's Story)

Doctors can’t explain the physical healing that’s happening (Darla’s story) #nervoussystemhealing

Doctors can’t explain the physical healing that’s happening (Darla’s story) #nervoussystemhealing

Rewiring the nervous system is not “one-size-fits-all” (Darla’s story) #nervoussystemhealing

Rewiring the nervous system is not “one-size-fits-all” (Darla’s story) #nervoussystemhealing

The long road to nervous system healing (Darla’s story) #traumahealingjourney

The long road to nervous system healing (Darla’s story) #traumahealingjourney

Can we do trauma work while pregnant? #nervoussystemregulation

Can we do trauma work while pregnant? #nervoussystemregulation

“Rules of thumb” for trauma work in pregnancy #healingtrauma

“Rules of thumb” for trauma work in pregnancy #healingtrauma

Is it possible to be in fight, flight, and freeze at the same time? #nervoussystemregulation

Is it possible to be in fight, flight, and freeze at the same time? #nervoussystemregulation

Does your nervous system “ping-pong” between survival states? #nervoussystemdysregulation

Does your nervous system “ping-pong” between survival states? #nervoussystemdysregulation

How hidden trauma shows up as chronic illness (Mitch's story) #nervoussystemregulation #sbsm

How hidden trauma shows up as chronic illness (Mitch's story) #nervoussystemregulation #sbsm

Healing childhood trauma can be scary but this helps #nervoussystemhealing

Healing childhood trauma can be scary but this helps #nervoussystemhealing

How shock trauma can awaken the ‘sleeping giant’ of stored trauma (Mitch’s story) #tbi

How shock trauma can awaken the ‘sleeping giant’ of stored trauma (Mitch’s story) #tbi