Shifting temperature anomaly distribution in CMIP6 climate projections for SSP5-8.5 (MPI-ESM-1.2)

Shifting temperature anomaly distribution in CMIP6 climate projections for SSP5-8.5 (MPI-ESM-1.2)

Waves in the upper atmosphere, triggered by winds that hit the mountainous northwest coast of Norway

Waves in the upper atmosphere, triggered by winds that hit the mountainous northwest coast of Norway

Visualization of simulated afforestation/reforestation to mitigate climate change

Visualization of simulated afforestation/reforestation to mitigate climate change

DKRZ Tech Talk: HSM Archival basics

DKRZ Tech Talk: HSM Archival basics

DKRZ Tech Talk: GitLab Workflows

DKRZ Tech Talk: GitLab Workflows

DKRZ Tech Talk: ClusterCockpit

DKRZ Tech Talk: ClusterCockpit

Visualization of NO2, PM2.5 and NO3 aerosol concentrations (NO3_PM2.5) for a ship emission scenario

Visualization of NO2, PM2.5 and NO3 aerosol concentrations (NO3_PM2.5) for a ship emission scenario

Air-sea CO2 flux and surface wind speed simulated with high-resolution HAMOCC@ICON

Air-sea CO2 flux and surface wind speed simulated with high-resolution HAMOCC@ICON

Phytoplankton dynamics simulated with high-resolution HAMOCC@ICON

Phytoplankton dynamics simulated with high-resolution HAMOCC@ICON

Sea surface salinity, velocity at 30 m depth and sea ice simulated with AWI-CM3

Sea surface salinity, velocity at 30 m depth and sea ice simulated with AWI-CM3

Sea surface temperature, velocity at 30m depth and sea ice simulated with AWI-CM3

Sea surface temperature, velocity at 30m depth and sea ice simulated with AWI-CM3

Mean temperature changes (°C) relative to 1850-1900 for five CMIP6 scenarios

Mean temperature changes (°C) relative to 1850-1900 for five CMIP6 scenarios

Atmosphere wake effects from wind farms

Atmosphere wake effects from wind farms

DKRZ Tech Talk - Searching and optimizing the retrieval of data from tape

DKRZ Tech Talk - Searching and optimizing the retrieval of data from tape

NextGEMS Cycle 3 simulation with ICON R2B9: Latent and sensible heatflux at 5 km resolution

NextGEMS Cycle 3 simulation with ICON R2B9: Latent and sensible heatflux at 5 km resolution

NextGEMS Cycle 3 simulation with ICON R2B9: salinity and velocity at 75 m depth (5 km resolution)

NextGEMS Cycle 3 simulation with ICON R2B9: salinity and velocity at 75 m depth (5 km resolution)

NextGEMS Cycle 3 simulation with ICON R2B9: salinity and velocity at the ocean surface at 5 km res.

NextGEMS Cycle 3 simulation with ICON R2B9: salinity and velocity at the ocean surface at 5 km res.

NextGEMS Cycle 3 simulation with ICON R2B9 (5 km): temperature and ocean velocity at 75 m depth

NextGEMS Cycle 3 simulation with ICON R2B9 (5 km): temperature and ocean velocity at 75 m depth

NextGEMS Cycle 3 simulation with ICON R2B9: temperature and surface ocean velocity at 5 km res.

NextGEMS Cycle 3 simulation with ICON R2B9: temperature and surface ocean velocity at 5 km res.

NextGEMS Cycle 3 simulation at 5 km resolution with ICON R2B9: ocean velocity at 75m depth

NextGEMS Cycle 3 simulation at 5 km resolution with ICON R2B9: ocean velocity at 75m depth

NextGEMS Cycle 3 simulation with ICON R2B9: surface ocean velocity at 5 km resolution

NextGEMS Cycle 3 simulation with ICON R2B9: surface ocean velocity at 5 km resolution

NextGEMS Cycle 3 simulation with ICON R2B9: Volume rendering of 3D ocean velocity at 5km resolution

NextGEMS Cycle 3 simulation with ICON R2B9: Volume rendering of 3D ocean velocity at 5km resolution

Ocean currents, sea ice and snow in a storm resolving climate model

Ocean currents, sea ice and snow in a storm resolving climate model

Apollo 17 Blue Marble simulated with the ICON climate model at 1 km resolution

Apollo 17 Blue Marble simulated with the ICON climate model at 1 km resolution

ICON 2.5 km resolution simulation of Atmosphere and Ocean

ICON 2.5 km resolution simulation of Atmosphere and Ocean

DKRZ Tech Talk: From Mistral to Levante

DKRZ Tech Talk: From Mistral to Levante

DKRZ Tech Talk cdo -select,ed=2 operators

DKRZ Tech Talk cdo -select,ed=2 operators

Putting the Ocean into the Center: A coupled ICON Atmosphere/Ocean Simulation in Spilhaus Projection

Putting the Ocean into the Center: A coupled ICON Atmosphere/Ocean Simulation in Spilhaus Projection

DKRZ Tech Talk: The new HSM tape archive

DKRZ Tech Talk: The new HSM tape archive

DKRZ TechTalk: The DKRZ CMIP6⁺ Data Pool

DKRZ TechTalk: The DKRZ CMIP6⁺ Data Pool