I’m Scared to Call Myself an Atheist, But I Don’t Believe in God

I’m Scared to Call Myself an Atheist, But I Don’t Believe in God

I Love Jesus Like I Love Harry Potter

I Love Jesus Like I Love Harry Potter

GOD (The Bible) is Pro-Choice

GOD (The Bible) is Pro-Choice

Thoughts On Purity Culture and Sexual Morality by Former Christian Pastor

Thoughts On Purity Culture and Sexual Morality by Former Christian Pastor

“Purity Culture is Stupid!” Says Former Evangelical Pastor

“Purity Culture is Stupid!” Says Former Evangelical Pastor

So You’re Struggling in Your Christian Deconstruction Process, Fearing Hell, What if it is True?

So You’re Struggling in Your Christian Deconstruction Process, Fearing Hell, What if it is True?

Jesus Was WRONG!

Jesus Was WRONG!

The Bible is Literally NOT TRUE - pt2

The Bible is Literally NOT TRUE - pt2

The Bible Says, Women Can’t be the Boss of a Man, That Includes Being President or f the USA?

The Bible Says, Women Can’t be the Boss of a Man, That Includes Being President or f the USA?

Timmy’s TATTOO story

Timmy’s TATTOO story

The BIBLE is Literally NOT TRUE! Former Evangelical End Times Preacher Explains How Bible is FICTION

The BIBLE is Literally NOT TRUE! Former Evangelical End Times Preacher Explains How Bible is FICTION

Thoughts About Losing Christian Friends During Your Deconstruction Process (Leaving Christianity)

Thoughts About Losing Christian Friends During Your Deconstruction Process (Leaving Christianity)

Don’t Worry! Jesus is NOT Coming Back in 2024, or Ever || Former Christian Pastor Explains Why!

Don’t Worry! Jesus is NOT Coming Back in 2024, or Ever || Former Christian Pastor Explains Why!

Former Evangelical Pastor Predicts Christianity Will Come to an End By the Year 2099

Former Evangelical Pastor Predicts Christianity Will Come to an End By the Year 2099

Prayer DOES NOT Work, But Why I Still Pray As a Former Evangelical Pastor Now Agnostic

Prayer DOES NOT Work, But Why I Still Pray As a Former Evangelical Pastor Now Agnostic

I Am Atheist and My Spouse is a Christian || I’m Deconstructing My Faith and My Spouse Isn’t, Yikes!

I Am Atheist and My Spouse is a Christian || I’m Deconstructing My Faith and My Spouse Isn’t, Yikes!

What Does it Mean to Speak in Tongues? Deconstructed Pentecostal Pastor Explains the Weirdness!

What Does it Mean to Speak in Tongues? Deconstructed Pentecostal Pastor Explains the Weirdness!

Former Pentecostal Pastor Gets the Holy Spirit with Evidence of Speaking in Tongues Live on YouTube

Former Pentecostal Pastor Gets the Holy Spirit with Evidence of Speaking in Tongues Live on YouTube

Why Are So Many Christians Deconstructing their Once Deeply Held Beliefs? Are We in the End Times?

Why Are So Many Christians Deconstructing their Once Deeply Held Beliefs? Are We in the End Times?

Why Are So Many Christians Leaving Christianity? Former Pastor Shares His Story of Deconstruction

Why Are So Many Christians Leaving Christianity? Former Pastor Shares His Story of Deconstruction

The 3 Biggest Challenges I Faced During My Deconstruction Process as a Former Evangelical Pastor

The 3 Biggest Challenges I Faced During My Deconstruction Process as a Former Evangelical Pastor

Kyle's Christian Deconstruction Story - From Assemblies of God Missionary to Atheist

Kyle's Christian Deconstruction Story - From Assemblies of God Missionary to Atheist

Christianity Comes with a Buffet of Different Beliefs, Keep What You Like, Discard What You Don’t

Christianity Comes with a Buffet of Different Beliefs, Keep What You Like, Discard What You Don’t

I Loved Being a Christian, Until I Realized it wasn’t True - Leaving Christianity for a Good Reason?

I Loved Being a Christian, Until I Realized it wasn’t True - Leaving Christianity for a Good Reason?

Maybe it Was Satan, Not God, Who Saved Donald Trump From the Assassination Attempt, He Got Lucky!

Maybe it Was Satan, Not God, Who Saved Donald Trump From the Assassination Attempt, He Got Lucky!

Former Pastor was Led Away from Christianity by the Teachings of Christianity

Former Pastor was Led Away from Christianity by the Teachings of Christianity

Why I’m No Longer a Christian

Why I’m No Longer a Christian

The Rapture is as Likely as Santa Coming to Your House the Night Before Christmas

The Rapture is as Likely as Santa Coming to Your House the Night Before Christmas

Don’t Worry, You’re Not Going to Hell for Not Believing in Jesus

Don’t Worry, You’re Not Going to Hell for Not Believing in Jesus

How to Handle Family Who Think You’re Going to Hell

How to Handle Family Who Think You’re Going to Hell