Lecture 28, Improved Euler and Runge Kutta Methods

Lecture 28, Improved Euler and Runge Kutta Methods

Lecture 27, Intro to Num Sol of ODEs , Euler Method

Lecture 27, Intro to Num Sol of ODEs , Euler Method

Lecture 26, Power and Inverse Power method to find largest and smallest E values and vectors

Lecture 26, Power and Inverse Power method to find largest and smallest E values and vectors

Lecture 25, Application of E Value probs, Gerschgorin Theorem, inclusion of e values

Lecture 25, Application of E Value probs, Gerschgorin Theorem, inclusion of e values

Lecture 24, Intro to Eigenvalue Problems

Lecture 24, Intro to Eigenvalue Problems

Lecture 23, Ill and well condition systems, Condition no

Lecture 23, Ill and well condition systems, Condition no

Lecture 22, Gauss Seidel Algo and Convergence

Lecture 22, Gauss Seidel Algo and Convergence

Lecture 21, Jacobi and Gauss Seidel Iterative Mehods

Lecture 21, Jacobi and Gauss Seidel Iterative Mehods

Lecture 20, Crout and Cholesky method

Lecture 20, Crout and Cholesky method

Lecture 19, Column pivoting, LU decompositiond methods, Doolittle method

Lecture 19, Column pivoting, LU decompositiond methods, Doolittle method

Lecture 18, Linear system of Eqn , Gauss Elimination, Partial pivoting

Lecture 18, Linear system of Eqn , Gauss Elimination, Partial pivoting

Lecture 17, Newton Cote's formula and Gauss Quadrature Integ

Lecture 17, Newton Cote's formula and Gauss Quadrature Integ

Lecture 16, Simpson one third example, Simpson three eighth rule, Prof S Chakraverty Lecture 16

Lecture 16, Simpson one third example, Simpson three eighth rule, Prof S Chakraverty Lecture 16

Lecture 15, Trapezoidal Integ Error Bound, Simpson one third rule, Prof S Chakraverty Lecture 15

Lecture 15, Trapezoidal Integ Error Bound, Simpson one third rule, Prof S Chakraverty Lecture 15

Lecture 14, Numerical Integration Rectangular and Trapezoidal Prof S Chakraverty

Lecture 14, Numerical Integration Rectangular and Trapezoidal Prof S Chakraverty

Lecture 13, Cubic Spline continued with example Prof S Chakraverty

Lecture 13, Cubic Spline continued with example Prof S Chakraverty

Lecture 12, Finite Diff Operators+ Cubic Spline TheoryProf S Chakraverty

Lecture 12, Finite Diff Operators+ Cubic Spline TheoryProf S Chakraverty

Lecture 11, Newton's Back ward Diff Interpolation Prof S Chakraverty

Lecture 11, Newton's Back ward Diff Interpolation Prof S Chakraverty

Lecture 10: Newton's Forward Diff. Interpolation, Backward diff. interpolation Prof S Chakraverty

Lecture 10: Newton's Forward Diff. Interpolation, Backward diff. interpolation Prof S Chakraverty

Lecture 09 : Newton's Divided Int continued, Newton's forward Diff Int: Prof S Chakraverty

Lecture 09 : Newton's Divided Int continued, Newton's forward Diff Int: Prof S Chakraverty

Lecture 08:Lagrange interpolation continued, Newton's Divided Difference : Prof. S. Chakraverty

Lecture 08:Lagrange interpolation continued, Newton's Divided Difference : Prof. S. Chakraverty

Lecture 07 : Interpolation basics and Lagrange interpolation : Prof S Chakraverty

Lecture 07 : Interpolation basics and Lagrange interpolation : Prof S Chakraverty

Lecture 06 : Convergence of Secant Method, System of nonlinear eqns.: Prof. S. Chakraverty

Lecture 06 : Convergence of Secant Method, System of nonlinear eqns.: Prof. S. Chakraverty

Lecture 05 : Root finding methods continued, Order of convergence, advantages, Limitations

Lecture 05 : Root finding methods continued, Order of convergence, advantages, Limitations

Lecture 04 : Root finding methods continued....: Prof. S. Chakraverty

Lecture 04 : Root finding methods continued....: Prof. S. Chakraverty

Lecture 03 : Root finding methods: Prof. S. Chakraverty

Lecture 03 : Root finding methods: Prof. S. Chakraverty

Lecture 02 : Error Propagation, Error bounds and iterative method

Lecture 02 : Error Propagation, Error bounds and iterative method

Lecture 01 : Introduction to Numerical Analysis (Why, what, how, errors, significant digits etc.)

Lecture 01 : Introduction to Numerical Analysis (Why, what, how, errors, significant digits etc.)

Fuzzy functions - Lecture 22 By Prof S Chakraverty

Fuzzy functions - Lecture 22 By Prof S Chakraverty

Integration and differentiation of fuzzy functions - Lecture 23 By Prof S Chakraverty

Integration and differentiation of fuzzy functions - Lecture 23 By Prof S Chakraverty