Creating Efficient Multi-Threaded Apps in C#

Creating Efficient Multi-Threaded Apps in C#

Understanding Simple Methods in C#

Understanding Simple Methods in C#

static methods

static methods

Creating an Emoji Class Library in C# on Ubuntu

Creating an Emoji Class Library in C# on Ubuntu

C# from the Ubuntu CLI

C# from the Ubuntu CLI

C# Development on Linux using Jetbrains Rider with Ubuntu 24.04

C# Development on Linux using Jetbrains Rider with Ubuntu 24.04

Python Linting with black and pyproject.toml

Python Linting with black and pyproject.toml

The Anatomy of Python Packages and pyproject.toml

The Anatomy of Python Packages and pyproject.toml

Roles in A Multi-Disciplinary DevOps teams

Roles in A Multi-Disciplinary DevOps teams

Using API in your Python App

Using API in your Python App

Securing Data at Rest and in Transit and ACLs

Securing Data at Rest and in Transit and ACLs

Differentiate CI/CD and Continuous Deployment

Differentiate CI/CD and Continuous Deployment

Test Driven Development and the Test Pyramid. Knowldege Area K14

Test Driven Development and the Test Pyramid. Knowldege Area K14

Automation in DevOps

Automation in DevOps

Software Developer Apprentice KSB K1: Know the SDLC

Software Developer Apprentice KSB K1: Know the SDLC

DevOps Engineer K12 Redis and the Persistence Data Layer

DevOps Engineer K12 Redis and the Persistence Data Layer

DevOps K11 Monitoring with Nagios

DevOps K11 Monitoring with Nagios

Automate VM Deploys Using the Vagrant Ansible Provisioner

Automate VM Deploys Using the Vagrant Ansible Provisioner

Five AmazingLinux Command Lines Tips

Five AmazingLinux Command Lines Tips

Understanding User needs and Experience

Understanding User needs and Experience

Understanding Organizational Cultures

Understanding Organizational Cultures

General Purpose Code and Infrastructure as Code

General Purpose Code and Infrastructure as Code

Effective Troubleshooting in DevOps Plan Do Check Act

Effective Troubleshooting in DevOps Plan Do Check Act

Installing, Managing and Troubleshooting the Elastic (ELK) Stack

Installing, Managing and Troubleshooting the Elastic (ELK) Stack

Configuring an Apache Server to Deliver Git Repos on Rocky Linux

Configuring an Apache Server to Deliver Git Repos on Rocky Linux

Devops Engineer S5: Immutable Infrastructure

Devops Engineer S5: Immutable Infrastructure

Devops Engineer Apprentice: Security Tools: Journalctl, Kali Linux, Fail2Ban

Devops Engineer Apprentice: Security Tools: Journalctl, Kali Linux, Fail2Ban

Devops Engineer Apprentice: K4 Understanding the Business Value of Devops

Devops Engineer Apprentice: K4 Understanding the Business Value of Devops

Devops Engineer K3: Using Data Ethically

Devops Engineer K3: Using Data Ethically

Devops Engineer K2: Using Git Branches and Tags

Devops Engineer K2: Using Git Branches and Tags