Beyond Talk Therapy: The Biochemical Basis of Behavior & Changing Our Responses

Beyond Talk Therapy: The Biochemical Basis of Behavior & Changing Our Responses

Tapping, EFT and Energetic Boundaries For Inner Child and Gut Issues

Tapping, EFT and Energetic Boundaries For Inner Child and Gut Issues

Authenticity & Somatic Experiencing: How to Access Deeper Intimacy After Trauma

Authenticity & Somatic Experiencing: How to Access Deeper Intimacy After Trauma

Hidden Triggers For Insomnia & Solutions For a Stressed Subconscious Nervous System

Hidden Triggers For Insomnia & Solutions For a Stressed Subconscious Nervous System

Is Trauma Genetic or Epigenetic? Insights with Dr. Bruce Lipton

Is Trauma Genetic or Epigenetic? Insights with Dr. Bruce Lipton

Trauma's Hidden Role in Autoimmunity | Dr. Aimie Apigian & Dr. Tom O’Bryan

Trauma's Hidden Role in Autoimmunity | Dr. Aimie Apigian & Dr. Tom O’Bryan

How to Achieve & Sustain High Performance with Olympian Louise Tjernqvist

How to Achieve & Sustain High Performance with Olympian Louise Tjernqvist

Cellular Resilience And Post-Traumatic Growth with Ari Whitten

Cellular Resilience And Post-Traumatic Growth with Ari Whitten

How To Get Out Of The Stress-Trauma Cycle By Using The Science Of Anxiety with Emma McAdam

How To Get Out Of The Stress-Trauma Cycle By Using The Science Of Anxiety with Emma McAdam

Trauma, Toxins, Autoimmunity & Diet: Steps To Prevent with Dr. Tom O’Bryan

Trauma, Toxins, Autoimmunity & Diet: Steps To Prevent with Dr. Tom O’Bryan

Why You Subconsciously Try to Have Others Be the Parent You Never Had

Why You Subconsciously Try to Have Others Be the Parent You Never Had

The Business Of Helping Others: How To Get Through When You Have A Chronic Illness

The Business Of Helping Others: How To Get Through When You Have A Chronic Illness

Guilt through Grief, Self-Love and Moving Forward

Guilt through Grief, Self-Love and Moving Forward

How Your Early Relationships Shape Your Biology

How Your Early Relationships Shape Your Biology

The first guiding question to become the operator for your nervous system in hard times w/ Deb Dana

The first guiding question to become the operator for your nervous system in hard times w/ Deb Dana

The Attachment -IBS Connection: With Stress and Trauma And The Solutions For A Hyper-Sensitive Gut

The Attachment -IBS Connection: With Stress and Trauma And The Solutions For A Hyper-Sensitive Gut

Syndromes Explored: A Somatic Approach to Chronic Symptoms of Stored Trauma

Syndromes Explored: A Somatic Approach to Chronic Symptoms of Stored Trauma

Attachment, Development And How We Lose A Sense of Safety

Attachment, Development And How We Lose A Sense of Safety

How The Body Tells Us Of Our Individual, Ancestral and Collective Trauma

How The Body Tells Us Of Our Individual, Ancestral and Collective Trauma

The Commonly Missed Root Cause of Fatigue and Autoimmune: Your Body’s Freeze Response

The Commonly Missed Root Cause of Fatigue and Autoimmune: Your Body’s Freeze Response

How Connecting with Others Can Calm Nerves After Trauma

How Connecting with Others Can Calm Nerves After Trauma

3 Ways Our Childhood Shapes Our Nervous System

3 Ways Our Childhood Shapes Our Nervous System

Todas las pates de mí

Todas las pates de mí

Trauma por apego El sistema nervioso en estado

Trauma por apego El sistema nervioso en estado

Sanación de traumas con medicina energética

Sanación de traumas con medicina energética

Descubrir la biología de las emociones Comprend

Descubrir la biología de las emociones Comprend

Desbloqueando los secretos bioquímicos del traum

Desbloqueando los secretos bioquímicos del traum

Qué se siente al estar inmovilizado como respue

Qué se siente al estar inmovilizado como respue

¿Cuántos cambios puede suceder en 21 días

¿Cuántos cambios puede suceder en 21 días

Testimonail de Kantthi Tantirige

Testimonail de Kantthi Tantirige