The 30 Greatest Film Challenge

The 30 Greatest Film Challenge

How to analyse a film: the complete beginners guide

How to analyse a film: the complete beginners guide

What’s the best editing software in 2024?

What’s the best editing software in 2024?

Learn film analysis in 20 films

Learn film analysis in 20 films

What are Propp's eight character types? Film theory explained!

What are Propp's eight character types? Film theory explained!

Why I decided to start a Patreon...

Why I decided to start a Patreon...

What is the Bechdel Test? Feminist film formula explained!

What is the Bechdel Test? Feminist film formula explained!

How to make YouTube videos for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS - from ideas to editing

How to make YouTube videos for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS - from ideas to editing

What Postmodernism IS and REALLY ISN'T - Jordan Peterson analysis

What Postmodernism IS and REALLY ISN'T - Jordan Peterson analysis

Fans are the WORST haters - here's why...

Fans are the WORST haters - here's why...

The SIMPLE essay technique I teach ALL of my students...

The SIMPLE essay technique I teach ALL of my students...

What is patriarchy, and how do films encourage it?

What is patriarchy, and how do films encourage it?

Start writing GREAT screenplays | Screenwriting ULTIMATE guide!

Start writing GREAT screenplays | Screenwriting ULTIMATE guide!

Postcolonialism explained for beginners! Paul Gilroy Media Representation Theory Revision

Postcolonialism explained for beginners! Paul Gilroy Media Representation Theory Revision

Film pre-production explained - from script to budget! How to plan film for new filmmakers

Film pre-production explained - from script to budget! How to plan film for new filmmakers

How INTOLERANCE (1916) invented modern filmmaking

How INTOLERANCE (1916) invented modern filmmaking

Postmodernism explained for beginners! Jean Baudrillard Simulacra and Hyperreality explained

Postmodernism explained for beginners! Jean Baudrillard Simulacra and Hyperreality explained

What is Binary Opposition? Claude Lévi-Strauss Media Studies Structural Theory explained!

What is Binary Opposition? Claude Lévi-Strauss Media Studies Structural Theory explained!

How to storyboard without a template | Storyboarding tutorial tips

How to storyboard without a template | Storyboarding tutorial tips

How to review films like Mark Kermode | Film review tutorial

How to review films like Mark Kermode | Film review tutorial

Complete guide to camera shots and what they mean | The MCU Guide | Film and Media Studies

Complete guide to camera shots and what they mean | The MCU Guide | Film and Media Studies

How to analyse sound in film

How to analyse sound in film

What is an Auteur? Auteur theory explained! Film & Media Studies revision

What is an Auteur? Auteur theory explained! Film & Media Studies revision

5 books for film students and fans!

5 books for film students and fans!

How to read mise en scéne | Visual film analysis explained!

How to read mise en scéne | Visual film analysis explained!

5 things I've learnt from making YouTube videos

5 things I've learnt from making YouTube videos

How to write and format screenplays like a pro! Script writing tips and tricks

How to write and format screenplays like a pro! Script writing tips and tricks

Media Studies - why EVERYONE should study it!

Media Studies - why EVERYONE should study it!

Judith Butler's Gender Performativity Theory Explained! Media Studies Theory Revision

Judith Butler's Gender Performativity Theory Explained! Media Studies Theory Revision

Stuart Hall's Representation Theory Explained! Media Studies revision

Stuart Hall's Representation Theory Explained! Media Studies revision