Parade des Soldatenliedes (1976) HIGH QUALITY

Parade des Soldatenliedes (1976) HIGH QUALITY

Partidul Sub Un Steag Unind Poporul - Cîntece Patriotice (HIGH QUALITY)

Partidul Sub Un Steag Unind Poporul - Cîntece Patriotice (HIGH QUALITY)

Parade Des Soldatenliedes 1978

Parade Des Soldatenliedes 1978

Apărăm Pămîntul Țării (Marșuri Și Cîntece Patriotice) (HIGH QUALITY)

Apărăm Pămîntul Țării (Marșuri Și Cîntece Patriotice) (HIGH QUALITY)

Ansamblul Artistic

Ansamblul Artistic "Doina" al Armatei - Suntem Oștirea Mândră Și Vitează

Mírová Armáda - Army of Peace (Czechoslovak military song)

Mírová Armáda - Army of Peace (Czechoslovak military song)

One Hour of Music - Army of the Socialist Republic of Romania

One Hour of Music - Army of the Socialist Republic of Romania

中阿友谊万古长青 - The Chinese-Albanian friendship will last forever ( Chinese communist song)

中阿友谊万古长青 - The Chinese-Albanian friendship will last forever ( Chinese communist song)

Созвездье Гагарина - Constellation of Gagarin (Soviet song)

Созвездье Гагарина - Constellation of Gagarin (Soviet song)

One Hour of Music - League of Communists of Yugoslavia

One Hour of Music - League of Communists of Yugoslavia

Pětadvacet kamarádů - Twenty five friends (Czechoslovak military song)

Pětadvacet kamarádů - Twenty five friends (Czechoslovak military song)

Ballin Lart E Gjoksin Zjarr - Head High and Ardent Heart (Albanian communist song)

Ballin Lart E Gjoksin Zjarr - Head High and Ardent Heart (Albanian communist song)

Piosenka o Armii Ebro - Song about the Ebro army (Spanish Civil War song - English subtitles)

Piosenka o Armii Ebro - Song about the Ebro army (Spanish Civil War song - English subtitles)

Partidul - Party (Romanian communist song - English subtitles)

Partidul - Party (Romanian communist song - English subtitles)

Песня о Партии - Song about the Party (Soviet song)

Песня о Партии - Song about the Party (Soviet song)

Победен марш - Victory march (Bulgarian military song)

Победен марш - Victory march (Bulgarian military song)

Wir Sind Überall - We Are Everywhere (East German song)

Wir Sind Überall - We Are Everywhere (East German song)

Hív az Antifasiszta Akció - The Anti fascist Action is calling (Hungarian communist song)

Hív az Antifasiszta Akció - The Anti fascist Action is calling (Hungarian communist song)

Ļeņina doma - Lenin's thought (Soviet Latvian song)

Ļeņina doma - Lenin's thought (Soviet Latvian song)

我们走在大路上 - We Are Marching On A Great Road (English version)

我们走在大路上 - We Are Marching On A Great Road (English version)

Marcha del 26 de Julio - March of the 26th of July (Red Army Choir version)

Marcha del 26 de Julio - March of the 26th of July (Red Army Choir version)

Небесен страж - Celestial guard (Bulgarian military song)

Небесен страж - Celestial guard (Bulgarian military song)

Trăiască Ceaușescu, Partidul să trăiască! - Long live Ceaușescu, Long live the Party!

Trăiască Ceaușescu, Partidul să trăiască! - Long live Ceaușescu, Long live the Party!

Nach dem Siegesmai geboren - Born after the May Victory (East German song)

Nach dem Siegesmai geboren - Born after the May Victory (East German song)

Парад Победы - Victory Parade (Soviet song)

Парад Победы - Victory Parade (Soviet song)

Píseň O Prvním Máji - Song About First of May (Czechoslovak communist song)

Píseň O Prvním Máji - Song About First of May (Czechoslovak communist song)

Песня о первом коммунисте - Song about the first communist (Soviet song)

Песня о первом коммунисте - Song about the first communist (Soviet song)

Put Slobode - Path to Freedom (Yugoslav Navy song)

Put Slobode - Path to Freedom (Yugoslav Navy song)