Routine Working Out Better Than Expected.

Routine Working Out Better Than Expected.

Chest, Back, Arms, Workout One.

Chest, Back, Arms, Workout One.

Claudio Martini, How I Hear It. Klipsch Forte Ones Review.

Claudio Martini, How I Hear It. Klipsch Forte Ones Review.

Abbreviated Training, Is The Nuts And Bolts Of My Training Philosophy.

Abbreviated Training, Is The Nuts And Bolts Of My Training Philosophy.

Shrugs 5X5 Last Set 405X5

Shrugs 5X5 Last Set 405X5

Stay Lean

Stay Lean

Claudio Martini How I hear It. Technics SL-1200GR Direct Drive Turntable.

Claudio Martini How I hear It. Technics SL-1200GR Direct Drive Turntable.

Singles, Doubles, Triples, Training For Overall Strength And Health

Singles, Doubles, Triples, Training For Overall Strength And Health

Pinan Yondan Shito Ryu

Pinan Yondan Shito Ryu

Wednesday Leg Day Always Leg Day.

Wednesday Leg Day Always Leg Day.

The Sound Room, My System.

The Sound Room, My System.

Alternating leg days on Wednesdays squats one week Deadlifts next week.

Alternating leg days on Wednesdays squats one week Deadlifts next week.

Kata Why We Must Do Them, They Hold The Key,

Kata Why We Must Do Them, They Hold The Key,

Age Will Give Give You Old Man Legs And Glutes, WE Must Prioritize These Muscles.

Age Will Give Give You Old Man Legs And Glutes, WE Must Prioritize These Muscles.

Infrequent Training How To Use It To Your Advantage.

Infrequent Training How To Use It To Your Advantage.

Shoulders Arms Friday-Heavy

Shoulders Arms Friday-Heavy

Claudio Martini How I hear It. Ascend Acoustics CBM-170 SE Speakers

Claudio Martini How I hear It. Ascend Acoustics CBM-170 SE Speakers

Shoulders & Arms Day

Shoulders & Arms Day

Pinan Shodan Shito Ryu

Pinan Shodan Shito Ryu

Leg Day.

Leg Day.

Chest Arms Day.

Chest Arms Day.

Claudio Martini, How I Hear It. Pine Tree Audio Kinetic Speaker Cables Review.

Claudio Martini, How I Hear It. Pine Tree Audio Kinetic Speaker Cables Review.

Shoulders Pressing Day.

Shoulders Pressing Day.

PED'S-TRT Therapy The Biggest Con Put Forth On Our Men, The Thumbnail Me 1978 Hard getting Old.

PED'S-TRT Therapy The Biggest Con Put Forth On Our Men, The Thumbnail Me 1978 Hard getting Old.

Bullshit Strength Standards From PED Users. Have A Nice Day

Bullshit Strength Standards From PED Users. Have A Nice Day

Every Other Week Squatting and Deadlifting.

Every Other Week Squatting and Deadlifting.

Claudio Martini, How I hear It. BRYSTON 4B NRB Review.

Claudio Martini, How I hear It. BRYSTON 4B NRB Review.

High Training Frequency Running/ jogging/Bodybuilding, Could Shorten Life Span And Accelerate Aging.

High Training Frequency Running/ jogging/Bodybuilding, Could Shorten Life Span And Accelerate Aging.

Your Blocks Should Be Same As Your Strikes.

Your Blocks Should Be Same As Your Strikes.

Deadlifts With Controlled Eccentric.

Deadlifts With Controlled Eccentric.