Almost 5 years later from my first muscle twitching video.. Where I am at now explained

Almost 5 years later from my first muscle twitching video.. Where I am at now explained

Health anxiety was my toughest ever battle

Health anxiety was my toughest ever battle

A video for health anxiety sufferers to show to their loved ones..

A video for health anxiety sufferers to show to their loved ones..

Health Anxiety + Reassurance Seeking

Health Anxiety + Reassurance Seeking

A little life update! 🩷

A little life update! 🩷

Anxiety making you tired? 😴

Anxiety making you tired? 😴

I was in denial of my health anxiety for a long time..

I was in denial of my health anxiety for a long time..

Having symptoms without feeling anxious explained..

Having symptoms without feeling anxious explained..

The problem with health anxiety….

The problem with health anxiety….

How I’ve dealt with a recent health scare as a health anxiety therapist and an ex sufferer

How I’ve dealt with a recent health scare as a health anxiety therapist and an ex sufferer

I’m a health anxiety therapist but this is how bad my own health anxiety was…

I’m a health anxiety therapist but this is how bad my own health anxiety was…

I never thought recovery was possible..

I never thought recovery was possible..

Exciting news.. My Health Anxiety Mastermind!

Exciting news.. My Health Anxiety Mastermind!

My favourite health anxiety tool that I use with my clients

My favourite health anxiety tool that I use with my clients

Letting go of health anxiety

Letting go of health anxiety

When you find it hard to believe your symptoms are anxiety

When you find it hard to believe your symptoms are anxiety

Why your symptoms won’t go away

Why your symptoms won’t go away

If we act like there is something wrong, our nervous system responds like there is something wrong

If we act like there is something wrong, our nervous system responds like there is something wrong

What are hypnic jerks?

What are hypnic jerks?

How health anxiety used to make me feel..

How health anxiety used to make me feel..

A few reasons to NOT Google your symptoms ❌

A few reasons to NOT Google your symptoms ❌

Something my clients ask me a lot…

Something my clients ask me a lot…

How we accidentally self sabotage when we have health anxiety

How we accidentally self sabotage when we have health anxiety

Is there a way to tell the difference between anxiety symptoms and serious symptoms?

Is there a way to tell the difference between anxiety symptoms and serious symptoms?

My Twitching Is Back! (But I’m Not Worried)

My Twitching Is Back! (But I’m Not Worried)

NEW Group therapy sessions every Monday explained!

NEW Group therapy sessions every Monday explained!

Why anxiety tools sometimes DON’T work when the anxiety is too high

Why anxiety tools sometimes DON’T work when the anxiety is too high

The KEY to managing health anxiety & some news!

The KEY to managing health anxiety & some news!

My favourite quote that helped me with my anxiety

My favourite quote that helped me with my anxiety

I’m doing a workshop all about Muscle Twitching!! Watch this video for details

I’m doing a workshop all about Muscle Twitching!! Watch this video for details