Reynatis - A Flashy Borefest

Reynatis - A Flashy Borefest

13 RPGs I've Been Playing - Are They Any Good?

13 RPGs I've Been Playing - Are They Any Good?

JRPG News August 2024 - Trails in the Sky Remake Confirmed / New Atelier / Tales Of Remasters Coming

JRPG News August 2024 - Trails in the Sky Remake Confirmed / New Atelier / Tales Of Remasters Coming

The Trails in the Sky Remake Needs BIG QUESTIONS Answered

The Trails in the Sky Remake Needs BIG QUESTIONS Answered

Nihon Falcom Have Actually Done It! Sky FC Remake Confirmed!

Nihon Falcom Have Actually Done It! Sky FC Remake Confirmed!

The Best Turn Based JRPG Of 2024 That No-One Will Play

The Best Turn Based JRPG Of 2024 That No-One Will Play

Which Modern Atelier Game Is The Best?

Which Modern Atelier Game Is The Best?

Modern vs. Retro JRPGs - Which Is Better?

Modern vs. Retro JRPGs - Which Is Better?

The Dusk Trilogy is a Special Mix for Atelier

The Dusk Trilogy is a Special Mix for Atelier

JRPG News July 2024 - Falcom Remake THIS YEAR / Beloved Tales Remaster?

JRPG News July 2024 - Falcom Remake THIS YEAR / Beloved Tales Remaster?

SRPG Fans CANNOT MISS Sword of Convallaria

SRPG Fans CANNOT MISS Sword of Convallaria

7 JRPGs For Beginners - Start Here!

7 JRPGs For Beginners - Start Here!

7 JRPGs That Are NOT Beginner Friendly

7 JRPGs That Are NOT Beginner Friendly

10 Excellent Modern JRPGs That I Recommend to Anyone

10 Excellent Modern JRPGs That I Recommend to Anyone

I Played Tales of the Abyss For The First Time - Does It Hold Up?

I Played Tales of the Abyss For The First Time - Does It Hold Up?

JRPG News June 2024 - Trails through Daybreak 2 LEAKED / Trails in the Sky ‘COMING SOON'?

JRPG News June 2024 - Trails through Daybreak 2 LEAKED / Trails in the Sky ‘COMING SOON'?

Are Falcom About To Correct The Biggest Problem With Trails?

Are Falcom About To Correct The Biggest Problem With Trails?

30 JRPGs Releasing For The Rest Of 2024 (Turn Based, ARPG, SRPG)

30 JRPGs Releasing For The Rest Of 2024 (Turn Based, ARPG, SRPG)

Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - Everything You Need To Know

Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance - Everything You Need To Know

10 JRPGs That Get WORSE The Longer You Play

10 JRPGs That Get WORSE The Longer You Play

Dragon Quest Remake(s) Confirmed / ‘Something Big’ for Trails Series - JRPG News May 2024

Dragon Quest Remake(s) Confirmed / ‘Something Big’ for Trails Series - JRPG News May 2024

An Amazing 2024 Mecha ARPG That NO-ONE WILL PLAY

An Amazing 2024 Mecha ARPG That NO-ONE WILL PLAY

7 JRPGs That EXCEEDED My Expectations

7 JRPGs That EXCEEDED My Expectations

7 JRPGs With Memorable Stories, but Rough Gameplay

7 JRPGs With Memorable Stories, but Rough Gameplay

New Trails Info / Dragon Quest XII Abandoned? / Next Like A Dragon - JRPG News April 2024

New Trails Info / Dragon Quest XII Abandoned? / Next Like A Dragon - JRPG News April 2024

'I Want To Get into Ys, But I Don't Know Where to Start'

'I Want To Get into Ys, But I Don't Know Where to Start'

12 RPGs I've Been Playing - Are They Any Good?

12 RPGs I've Been Playing - Are They Any Good?

Why I Will NEVER Be A JRPG Completionist

Why I Will NEVER Be A JRPG Completionist

Chrono Trigger Has Aged SO WELL

Chrono Trigger Has Aged SO WELL

New Tokyo Xanadu / Classic JRPG HD Collection / Final Fantasy 9 ‘Secret’ - JRPG News March 2024

New Tokyo Xanadu / Classic JRPG HD Collection / Final Fantasy 9 ‘Secret’ - JRPG News March 2024