When people resigned in winning positions

When people resigned in winning positions

Creating an advantage out of nothing | Ved vs Nivaan

Creating an advantage out of nothing | Ved vs Nivaan

Knight and pawn endgame

Knight and pawn endgame

A washroom break proves costly

A washroom break proves costly

A checkmate out of nowhere

A checkmate out of nowhere

When a touchpiece mistake becomes fatal

When a touchpiece mistake becomes fatal

When the king isn't safe

When the king isn't safe

An unexpected checkmate

An unexpected checkmate

Opposition (Winning with one pawn) | Beginner lesson

Opposition (Winning with one pawn) | Beginner lesson

Missed wins | A Beginner lesson

Missed wins | A Beginner lesson

The one that got away

The one that got away

From losing to winning in seconds!

From losing to winning in seconds!

Clinical use of a pin

Clinical use of a pin

Where's the checkmate?

Where's the checkmate?

Pin it...and Win it!

Pin it...and Win it!

When siblings fight | Samarth(1606 FIDE) vs Aaditya(1544 FIDE)

When siblings fight | Samarth(1606 FIDE) vs Aaditya(1544 FIDE)

A deadly trap by a 9 year old | Samarth(1606) vs Shibin(1660)

A deadly trap by a 9 year old | Samarth(1606) vs Shibin(1660)

Fighting for the initiative | Shibin(1638 FIDE) vs Aaditya(1626 FIDE)

Fighting for the initiative | Shibin(1638 FIDE) vs Aaditya(1626 FIDE)

This 9 year old is a blitz beast | Samarth (1606 FIDE) vs Shibin (1660)

This 9 year old is a blitz beast | Samarth (1606 FIDE) vs Shibin (1660)

King activity matters

King activity matters

A thrilling rook endgame | Jasmeh (955) vs Ayyun (809)

A thrilling rook endgame | Jasmeh (955) vs Ayyun (809)

Fried Liver attack for Beginners

Fried Liver attack for Beginners

7th rank invasion | Aaditya vs Shobhit

7th rank invasion | Aaditya vs Shobhit

The culmination of a pawn race

The culmination of a pawn race

How a Chess tournament hall looks like

How a Chess tournament hall looks like

When you blunder your queen...

When you blunder your queen...

Practise your Rook checkmate!

Practise your Rook checkmate!

The King gets caught in a trap

The King gets caught in a trap

Delivering Checkmate with the Queen (A lesson with beginner students)

Delivering Checkmate with the Queen (A lesson with beginner students)

Puzzle Rush 50+ | How far beyond 50 can I go?

Puzzle Rush 50+ | How far beyond 50 can I go?