Book Three, St. Augustine's Confessions | Carthage, a cauldron of unholy loves

Book Three, St. Augustine's Confessions | Carthage, a cauldron of unholy loves

Book Two, St. Augustine's Confessions | Deliver me from the waters, Oh Lord!

Book Two, St. Augustine's Confessions | Deliver me from the waters, Oh Lord!

Book One, St. Augustine's Confessions | You Were with Me, but I was Not with You

Book One, St. Augustine's Confessions | You Were with Me, but I was Not with You

Introduction to The Confessions | A Year With St. Augustine

Introduction to The Confessions | A Year With St. Augustine

Episode #15 | Grown-Up's Guide To The Little Prince

Episode #15 | Grown-Up's Guide To The Little Prince

Episode#14 | Pro-life New Mexicans are my heroes! -Planned Parenthood Whistle-blower Mayra Rodriguez

Episode#14 | Pro-life New Mexicans are my heroes! -Planned Parenthood Whistle-blower Mayra Rodriguez

The Interior Castle | Mansion Seven

The Interior Castle | Mansion Seven

Episode #13 | The New Renaissance: The story of beauty at HCCS and schools around the country

Episode #13 | The New Renaissance: The story of beauty at HCCS and schools around the country

The Interior Castle | Mansion Six

The Interior Castle | Mansion Six

Episode #12 | Seeing the Classical, Catholic Vision at work

Episode #12 | Seeing the Classical, Catholic Vision at work

Episode # 11 | Vocations

Episode # 11 | Vocations

Episode #10 | Listen and Look

Episode #10 | Listen and Look

Episode #9 | How do good books and memorization change the life of the student?

Episode #9 | How do good books and memorization change the life of the student?

Episode #8 | The Joy of Unity in the Quest for the True, Good and Beautiful.

Episode #8 | The Joy of Unity in the Quest for the True, Good and Beautiful.

Interior Castle | Mansion Five

Interior Castle | Mansion Five

Alumni Testimonials

Alumni Testimonials

Episode #7 | A new look at fairy tale Friday

Episode #7 | A new look at fairy tale Friday

Interior Castle | Mansion Four

Interior Castle | Mansion Four

Interior Castle | Mansion Three

Interior Castle | Mansion Three

Episode #6 | Vote with us! Rafael vs. Rubens Show Down | St. George & The Dragon

Episode #6 | Vote with us! Rafael vs. Rubens Show Down | St. George & The Dragon

Episode #5 | Conversation w/ Colleen Richards from ICLE @CathLibEd

Episode #5 | Conversation w/ Colleen Richards from ICLE @CathLibEd

How does Michael Barber from @AugustineInstitute teach his children to hear from the Lord?

How does Michael Barber from @AugustineInstitute teach his children to hear from the Lord?

Interior Castle | Mansion Two

Interior Castle | Mansion Two

Episode #4 | Friendship and the Classical School

Episode #4 | Friendship and the Classical School

Episode #3 | Interview w/ Michael Barber from @AugustineInstitute on Scripture in a Classical School

Episode #3 | Interview w/ Michael Barber from @AugustineInstitute on Scripture in a Classical School

The Interior Castle | Mansion one

The Interior Castle | Mansion one

Technical skills over Liberal Arts?

Technical skills over Liberal Arts?

Episode #2 | Conversation with Jonathan Winn

Episode #2 | Conversation with Jonathan Winn

Introduction to the Interior Castle

Introduction to the Interior Castle

Episode #1 |

Episode #1 | "The Importance of Good Books in a Classical School"