Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy collection- (Reploid Remix) Theme of Zero

Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy collection- (Reploid Remix) Theme of Zero

Mega Man Zero/ZX legacy collection (Reploid Remix) Phantom trap

Mega Man Zero/ZX legacy collection (Reploid Remix) Phantom trap

Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy collection- (Reploid Remix) Esperanto

Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy collection- (Reploid Remix) Esperanto

Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy collection- (Reploid Remix) Departure

Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy collection- (Reploid Remix) Departure

A special Christmas

A special Christmas

A special Christmas surprise

A special Christmas surprise

Blazblue- Lust sin X Lust sin II (Jin Kisaragi)

Blazblue- Lust sin X Lust sin II (Jin Kisaragi)

Blazblue- Rebellion X Rebellion II (Ragna the Bloodege)

Blazblue- Rebellion X Rebellion II (Ragna the Bloodege)

Anime power (my first video) OwO

Anime power (my first video) OwO