How Ocean Currents Turned Whales into the Largest Animals that have Existed

How Ocean Currents Turned Whales into the Largest Animals that have Existed

The Story Behind Australia's Weird Animals

The Story Behind Australia's Weird Animals

The Ridiculously Extreme Lives of Deep Sea Whales

The Ridiculously Extreme Lives of Deep Sea Whales

The Evolution of Flying Fish

The Evolution of Flying Fish

When the largest Animals on Land were Millipedes

When the largest Animals on Land were Millipedes

Why Polar Bears are Such Weird Animals

Why Polar Bears are Such Weird Animals

The Evolution of Whale Echolocation

The Evolution of Whale Echolocation

Evolution of Triceratops (the Ceratopsians)

Evolution of Triceratops (the Ceratopsians)

The Worlds First Apex Predator

The Worlds First Apex Predator

The Evolution of Hammerhead Sharks

The Evolution of Hammerhead Sharks

Everything we know about Pteranodon (not pterodactyls)

Everything we know about Pteranodon (not pterodactyls)

Why do Birds have baby Crocodile skulls?

Why do Birds have baby Crocodile skulls?

The Evolution of Rhinos

The Evolution of Rhinos

The Evolution of Insect Flight

The Evolution of Insect Flight

Evolution of Live birth (Why do mammal not lay eggs?)

Evolution of Live birth (Why do mammal not lay eggs?)

The Evolution of Crocodiles

The Evolution of Crocodiles

When Life Nearly Died

When Life Nearly Died

Evolution of the Giant Flightless Birds

Evolution of the Giant Flightless Birds

The Evolution of the Heart

The Evolution of the Heart

When Beavers Grew to the Size of Bears

When Beavers Grew to the Size of Bears

Evolution of Spider Webs

Evolution of Spider Webs

When Giant Land Crocodiles Terrorized the Mammals

When Giant Land Crocodiles Terrorized the Mammals

Why did Birds Lose their Teeth?

Why did Birds Lose their Teeth?

The Evolution of Komodo Dragons

The Evolution of Komodo Dragons

The Amazing Biology of Epaulette Sharks

The Amazing Biology of Epaulette Sharks

The Evolution of Snakes

The Evolution of Snakes

Dunkleosteus and the first Fish Apex Predators

Dunkleosteus and the first Fish Apex Predators

The Evolution of Frogs

The Evolution of Frogs

Evolution of Stingrays

Evolution of Stingrays

Why can you Find Camel Bones in the Arctic?

Why can you Find Camel Bones in the Arctic?