The legendary toilet issue - Funny Moments #216 LCK 2024

The legendary toilet issue - Funny Moments #216 LCK 2024

The most LCS ending to the end of LCS - Funny Moments #215 LCS 2024

The most LCS ending to the end of LCS - Funny Moments #215 LCS 2024

It's the Wild Wild West baby ! - Funny Moments #214 LPL 2024

It's the Wild Wild West baby ! - Funny Moments #214 LPL 2024

The longest G2 vs FNC game EVER - Funny Moments #213 LEC 2024

The longest G2 vs FNC game EVER - Funny Moments #213 LEC 2024

Oh my god that is big ! - Funny Moments #212 LCS 2024

Oh my god that is big ! - Funny Moments #212 LCS 2024

They left the front door open - Funny Moments #211 LEC 2024

They left the front door open - Funny Moments #211 LEC 2024

Who let the dogs out ? - Funny Moments #210 LCK 2024

Who let the dogs out ? - Funny Moments #210 LCK 2024

I'm running it down no matter what - Funny Moments #209 LCS 2024

I'm running it down no matter what - Funny Moments #209 LCS 2024

ADC are weak *steals baron* - Funny Moments #208 LEC 2024

ADC are weak *steals baron* - Funny Moments #208 LEC 2024

2 HP and a dream - Funny Moments #207 LPL 2024

2 HP and a dream - Funny Moments #207 LPL 2024

What the hell was that ?! - Funny Moments #206 LCK 2024

What the hell was that ?! - Funny Moments #206 LCK 2024

And the paternity test comes back negative ! - Funny Moments #205 LCS 2024

And the paternity test comes back negative ! - Funny Moments #205 LCS 2024

Get your copypastas ready - Funny Moments #204 LEC 2024

Get your copypastas ready - Funny Moments #204 LEC 2024

You're such a good boy - Funny Moments #203 LEC 2024

You're such a good boy - Funny Moments #203 LEC 2024

900 Health from an auto attack - Funny Moments #202 LEC 2024

900 Health from an auto attack - Funny Moments #202 LEC 2024

That's the most Lehends moment - Funny Moments #201 LCK 2024

That's the most Lehends moment - Funny Moments #201 LCK 2024

Look up in the sky - Funny Moments #200 LCS 2024

Look up in the sky - Funny Moments #200 LCS 2024

What a genius play, wait he's terrible - Funny Moments #199 LEC 2024

What a genius play, wait he's terrible - Funny Moments #199 LEC 2024

Nisqy pulling out a

Nisqy pulling out a "Faker" - Funny Moments #198 LEC 2024

You can't eat those cupcakes - Funny Moments #197 LEC 2024

You can't eat those cupcakes - Funny Moments #197 LEC 2024

LOOK AT THE ARROW - Funny Moments #196 LEC 2024

LOOK AT THE ARROW - Funny Moments #196 LEC 2024

Top 20 Best Plays - MSI 2024

Top 20 Best Plays - MSI 2024

They call him

They call him "Le Hands" for a reason - Funny Moments #195 MSI 2024

This is what peak League of Legends looks like - Funny Moments #194 MSI 2024

This is what peak League of Legends looks like - Funny Moments #194 MSI 2024

The fastest international BO3 ever - Funny Moments #193 MSI 2024

The fastest international BO3 ever - Funny Moments #193 MSI 2024

He looks pretty beatable RIGHT ? - Funny Moments #192 LPL 2024

He looks pretty beatable RIGHT ? - Funny Moments #192 LPL 2024

Faker Herald Incident - Funny Moments #191 LCK 2024

Faker Herald Incident - Funny Moments #191 LCK 2024

Absolute Cinema - Funny Moments #190 LEC 2024

Absolute Cinema - Funny Moments #190 LEC 2024

How to farm plates like a Pro - Funny Moments #189 LEC 2024

How to farm plates like a Pro - Funny Moments #189 LEC 2024

YAPTAIN AMERICA - Funny Moments #188 LCS 2024

YAPTAIN AMERICA - Funny Moments #188 LCS 2024