Software Systems: What is a load balancer?

Software Systems: What is a load balancer?

Interview Question: Tell me about yourself

Interview Question: Tell me about yourself

Caching in distributed systems: A friendly introduction

Caching in distributed systems: A friendly introduction

What is a CDN (Content Delivery Network)?

What is a CDN (Content Delivery Network)?

How to get promoted to Senior Software Engineer roles

How to get promoted to Senior Software Engineer roles

This is why Senior Software Engineers aren't clearing interviews

This is why Senior Software Engineers aren't clearing interviews

30 [Software Engineering] research papers you should read

30 [Software Engineering] research papers you should read

Find the distance between friends/connections - LinkedIn System Design with @KeertiPurswani

Find the distance between friends/connections - LinkedIn System Design with @KeertiPurswani

System Design of a Delivery System like Zomato with @KeertiPurswani

System Design of a Delivery System like Zomato with @KeertiPurswani

System Design of GitHub Code Search - SDC Episode 1 with @KeertiPurswani

System Design of GitHub Code Search - SDC Episode 1 with @KeertiPurswani

Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know - 1000x slow-down

Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know - 1000x slow-down

The Most Advanced Multiplication Algorithms: Why Karatsuba and FFT beat high-school mathematics

The Most Advanced Multiplication Algorithms: Why Karatsuba and FFT beat high-school mathematics

The painfully outdated practice of software interviews

The painfully outdated practice of software interviews

How ANOMALY DETECTION works in time series using the Holt-Winters Algorithm

How ANOMALY DETECTION works in time series using the Holt-Winters Algorithm

20 AWS services you should know [as a Software Engineer]

20 AWS services you should know [as a Software Engineer]

A SUPER FAST tech stack for startups [using AWS and Payment Gateways]

A SUPER FAST tech stack for startups [using AWS and Payment Gateways]

20 Whitepapers that changed the world [For Senior Software Engineers]

20 Whitepapers that changed the world [For Senior Software Engineers]

Design Patterns for High Availability: What gets you 99.999% uptime?

Design Patterns for High Availability: What gets you 99.999% uptime?

Tech that DOESN'T WORK for Start-ups and Mid-sized companies

Tech that DOESN'T WORK for Start-ups and Mid-sized companies

Authorization across Distributed Systems: The OAuth Protocol

Authorization across Distributed Systems: The OAuth Protocol

How Stored Procedures make databases FAST

How Stored Procedures make databases FAST

Garbage Collection Algorithms in Java: Concurrent Updates with Optimistic Locking - Part III

Garbage Collection Algorithms in Java: Concurrent Updates with Optimistic Locking - Part III

How 100 milliseconds cost Amazon 3 BILLION DOLLARS: Latency, Concurrency and Parallelism

How 100 milliseconds cost Amazon 3 BILLION DOLLARS: Latency, Concurrency and Parallelism

Impeccable API Design: What you MUST CONSIDER before deploying APIs to production

Impeccable API Design: What you MUST CONSIDER before deploying APIs to production

What is an API Gateway?

What is an API Gateway?

Career Choices: Four differences between Managers and ICs

Career Choices: Four differences between Managers and ICs

How custom banners are shown INSTANTANEOUSLY: Contextual Advertising at Scale

How custom banners are shown INSTANTANEOUSLY: Contextual Advertising at Scale

Running a bootstrapped startup for 3 Years: The story of InterviewReady!

Running a bootstrapped startup for 3 Years: The story of InterviewReady!

Dark Mode: Pilot Launch at InterviewReady

Dark Mode: Pilot Launch at InterviewReady

Zerodha Stock Broker System Design with @KeertiPurswani

Zerodha Stock Broker System Design with @KeertiPurswani