Wiring techniques through difficult angulations

Wiring techniques through difficult angulations

Instent restenosis: types, approach and cases

Instent restenosis: types, approach and cases

Grafts angiography tips

Grafts angiography tips

NSTEMI angiographic and PCI tips

NSTEMI angiographic and PCI tips

Guide dissection: cases and management

Guide dissection: cases and management

Interesting coronary angiograms and decision-making -3

Interesting coronary angiograms and decision-making -3

Heavy coronary thrombus

Heavy coronary thrombus

Cardiac arrest

Cardiac arrest

Cardiogenic shock: tips and updates

Cardiogenic shock: tips and updates

NSTEMI part 2. Pharmacotherapy: antiplatelets, anticoagulants, other therapies

NSTEMI part 2. Pharmacotherapy: antiplatelets, anticoagulants, other therapies



Access complications and management

Access complications and management

Left main trifurcation strategies

Left main trifurcation strategies

Coronary perforation

Coronary perforation

Isolated ostial LAD or ostial LCx stenting

Isolated ostial LAD or ostial LCx stenting

Interesting coronary angiograms -2

Interesting coronary angiograms -2

ECG QRS abnormalities- Part 2

ECG QRS abnormalities- Part 2

ECG QRS abnormalities- Part 1

ECG QRS abnormalities- Part 1

Hemodynamic cases- part 2

Hemodynamic cases- part 2

Hemodynamic cases - part 1

Hemodynamic cases - part 1

Interesting coronary angiograms

Interesting coronary angiograms

Bifurcation Left main part 2: case studies (2-stent techniques)

Bifurcation Left main part 2: case studies (2-stent techniques)

Constriction vs Myocardial disease: practice cases and tracings. Misunderstood concepts.Board review

Constriction vs Myocardial disease: practice cases and tracings. Misunderstood concepts.Board review

Bifurcation left main stenting- Elias Hanna

Bifurcation left main stenting- Elias Hanna

MI with plaque disruption on IVUS/OCT but stenosis less than 50%: should you stent?

MI with plaque disruption on IVUS/OCT but stenosis less than 50%: should you stent?

IVUS/OCT stent guidance, pre- and post-stenting

IVUS/OCT stent guidance, pre- and post-stenting

Radial loops- Difficult radial, subclavian and aortic anatomy: step-by-step, cases, perforation

Radial loops- Difficult radial, subclavian and aortic anatomy: step-by-step, cases, perforation

Left+right coronary engagement for general fellows: step-by-step tips, diagrams, caveats (5 for RCA)

Left+right coronary engagement for general fellows: step-by-step tips, diagrams, caveats (5 for RCA)

Left EBU/CLS guides manipulations, radial and femoral +Ikari L +Key tips in left coronary engagement

Left EBU/CLS guides manipulations, radial and femoral +Ikari L +Key tips in left coronary engagement

Amplatz L guide manipulations/videos- Other RCA guides and tips- The 5 RCA engagement caveats- Hanna

Amplatz L guide manipulations/videos- Other RCA guides and tips- The 5 RCA engagement caveats- Hanna