Logging in to DragonTrail

Logging in to DragonTrail

UAB Career Services

UAB Career Services

Logging into DragonTrail

Logging into DragonTrail

SEV Credits

SEV Credits

The Top 12 Atributes

The Top 12 Atributes

School vs. Work

School vs. Work

Work Ethic

Work Ethic

The Corporate Culture

The Corporate Culture

Employer Feedback

Employer Feedback

Most Valuable Technical Skills

Most Valuable Technical Skills

External Blocks

External Blocks

Career Ladder/Lattice

Career Ladder/Lattice

Job Market Trends

Job Market Trends

Internal Blocks

Internal Blocks

Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning

Think Like a Manager

Think Like a Manager

Ask Ctitical Questions

Ask Ctitical Questions

Be Easy to Work With

Be Easy to Work With

Get a Mentor

Get a Mentor

Build a Network of Contacts

Build a Network of Contacts

Be Open to Criticism

Be Open to Criticism

Exceeding Expectations

Exceeding Expectations

SEV Intro

SEV Intro

Resume Writing - Closing

Resume Writing - Closing

Resume Writing - Open

Resume Writing - Open

Part 13b/13 - Job Search Strat. - Career Search Process

Part 13b/13 - Job Search Strat. - Career Search Process

Part 13a/13 - Job Search Strat. - Career Search Process

Part 13a/13 - Job Search Strat. - Career Search Process

Part 11/13 - Job Search Strategies - Getting Started

Part 11/13 - Job Search Strategies - Getting Started

Part 12/13 - Job Search Strat- Establishing Goals

Part 12/13 - Job Search Strat- Establishing Goals

Part 8/13 - Job Search Strategies - Warm Contacts

Part 8/13 - Job Search Strategies - Warm Contacts