“The Gospel”

“The Gospel”

"The End Times and Israel" Luke 21; Romans 11, 2 Peter 3.

Matthew 25

Matthew 25 "The Least of These"

Amos 3-7

Amos 3-7 "Turn back to Me"

Luke 15-17

Luke 15-17 "Jesus and His Disciples' Responsibility"

1 Thessalonians 1-5

1 Thessalonians 1-5 "Turn to God's Word"

John 1-21: Jesus

John 1-21: Jesus

"Jesus is Eternal"

"Jesus Christ Crucified" Luke 22:39-23:47

"The Psalms"

Romans 1-8

Romans 1-8 "The Faith"

Proverbs 5-6: Adulterous Women

Proverbs 5-6: Adulterous Women

Matthew 12

Matthew 12 "One Greater than the Temple"

Ephesians 1-6 “Eternal God”

Ephesians 1-6 “Eternal God”

"The Scripture Cannot Be Broken"

1 Timothy “Shepherd”

1 Timothy “Shepherd”

Psalm 90; A Prayer of Moses

Psalm 90; A Prayer of Moses

Isaiah 42:1-13 “Coming King”

Isaiah 42:1-13 “Coming King”

Galatians 1-6

Galatians 1-6 "Faith in Jesus"

“The Adoration of the Wise Men” Matthew 2:1-12

“The Adoration of the Wise Men” Matthew 2:1-12

“The Shepherds Worship the Child” Luke 2:15-20

“The Shepherds Worship the Child” Luke 2:15-20

“The Angel Appears to the Shepherds” Luke 2:1-14

“The Angel Appears to the Shepherds” Luke 2:1-14

“Mary’s Visit to Elizabeth” Luke 1:39-56

“Mary’s Visit to Elizabeth” Luke 1:39-56

“The Annunciation” Luke 1:26-38

“The Annunciation” Luke 1:26-38

1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians "The Body of Christ"

Micah 4-7

Micah 4-7 "The Coming Restoration"

Micah 1-3

Micah 1-3 "Woe to Rebellious Leaders”

Isaiah 56-66

Isaiah 56-66 "God's Salvation"


Ezra "Priest"

Athens; Acts 17

Athens; Acts 17