Shifter: Allan Jenkins

Shifter: Allan Jenkins

Shifter: Workshop Update

Shifter: Workshop Update

Shifter: Photo Fiction, Episode #001

Shifter: Photo Fiction, Episode #001

Shifter: Flushing Out Stories

Shifter: Flushing Out Stories

Shifter: Question and Answer #059

Shifter: Question and Answer #059

Shifter: Vlog + Question and Answer 58

Shifter: Vlog + Question and Answer 58

Shifter: Update (No, I'm not back.)

Shifter: Update (No, I'm not back.)

Shifter: Bye Bye

Shifter: Bye Bye

Shifter: Antarctica Procrastination

Shifter: Antarctica Procrastination

Shifter Honesty

Shifter Honesty

Shifter: Journal Technique

Shifter: Journal Technique

Shifter: Antarctica Question and Answer Part Two

Shifter: Antarctica Question and Answer Part Two

Shifter: Visual Diary #018, Saying

Shifter: Visual Diary #018, Saying "No"

Shifter: YouTube Benefit?

Shifter: YouTube Benefit?

Shifter Birding Advice and Other Things

Shifter Birding Advice and Other Things

Shifter: Antarctica Question and Answer Part One

Shifter: Antarctica Question and Answer Part One

Shifter: A Brief Antarctica Update

Shifter: A Brief Antarctica Update

Shifter: Visual Diary Antarctica #003

Shifter: Visual Diary Antarctica #003

Shifter: Let Me Explain

Shifter: Let Me Explain

Shifter: Visual Diary Antarctica #002

Shifter: Visual Diary Antarctica #002

Shifter: Visual Diary Antarctica #001

Shifter: Visual Diary Antarctica #001

Shifter: Antarctica Top Five Essentials

Shifter: Antarctica Top Five Essentials

Shifter: How I Became a Kid Photographer

Shifter: How I Became a Kid Photographer

Shifter:Visual Diary #017

Shifter:Visual Diary #017

Shifter: Question and Answer 56

Shifter: Question and Answer 56

Shifter: It's Complicated

Shifter: It's Complicated

Shifter Visual Diary #016, Paris Photo and March

Shifter Visual Diary #016, Paris Photo and March

Shifter: Visual Diary #015, Paris Photo

Shifter: Visual Diary #015, Paris Photo

Shifter: Visual Diary #014, Paris Photo

Shifter: Visual Diary #014, Paris Photo

Shifter: Visual Diary #013

Shifter: Visual Diary #013