Supernatural Spaces: Ley Lines | Energy Grid | Earth Mysteries & Ancient Secrets of Geomancy

Supernatural Spaces: Ley Lines | Energy Grid | Earth Mysteries & Ancient Secrets of Geomancy

Habitations of Darkness: Spiritual Mysteries in Colonial New England | Native v Puritan Perspectives

Habitations of Darkness: Spiritual Mysteries in Colonial New England | Native v Puritan Perspectives

Supernatural Spaces 2: Where Spirits, Gods, & Monsters Dwell | Earth Magick | Portals

Supernatural Spaces 2: Where Spirits, Gods, & Monsters Dwell | Earth Magick | Portals

Supernatural Spaces 1: Creation Mysteries | How Spirit Shaped the Cosmos | Center of the World

Supernatural Spaces 1: Creation Mysteries | How Spirit Shaped the Cosmos | Center of the World

Santa’s Secret Identity | Shaman, Mushroom, Elf, Planet, God? | Unlikeliest Origins Explored

Santa’s Secret Identity | Shaman, Mushroom, Elf, Planet, God? | Unlikeliest Origins Explored

Into Darkness: Saturnalia, Yule, Modranicht | Origins & Evolution of Christmas

Into Darkness: Saturnalia, Yule, Modranicht | Origins & Evolution of Christmas

The Terrible TRUTH of Vampirism | Black Magic | Psychospiritual Phenomena | Historical Deep Dive

The Terrible TRUTH of Vampirism | Black Magic | Psychospiritual Phenomena | Historical Deep Dive

Living Dead: The Dark Origins of Vampirism | Vamp Pandemic | Bloodthirsty Gods | Occult Blood Powers

Living Dead: The Dark Origins of Vampirism | Vamp Pandemic | Bloodthirsty Gods | Occult Blood Powers

Terror & Revelry: Pagan Roots of Halloween | The Thinning Veil | Liminal Monsters & Magic

Terror & Revelry: Pagan Roots of Halloween | The Thinning Veil | Liminal Monsters & Magic

Interdimensional Relations: Astral Projection, Fairy Servants, Spiritual Warfare, Reality Slip

Interdimensional Relations: Astral Projection, Fairy Servants, Spiritual Warfare, Reality Slip

The Left Hand of God: A History of Demons (Part 2)

The Left Hand of God: A History of Demons (Part 2)

The Left Hand of God: A History of Demons (Part 1)

The Left Hand of God: A History of Demons (Part 1)

Encounters with the Unknown: Ghost Child, Djinn, Dogman

Encounters with the Unknown: Ghost Child, Djinn, Dogman

Walkers Between the Worlds: Shamanism & the Universality of Trance

Walkers Between the Worlds: Shamanism & the Universality of Trance

Fairy Faith, Fairy Fear (Part 3): The Question of Existence

Fairy Faith, Fairy Fear (Part 3): The Question of Existence

Cautionary Tales: Trifling with Duende, Shadow & Light People, Skinwalker

Cautionary Tales: Trifling with Duende, Shadow & Light People, Skinwalker

Fairy Faith, Fairy Fear (Part 2): Evolution of Belief

Fairy Faith, Fairy Fear (Part 2): Evolution of Belief

Almost Human: Tales From the Uncanny Valley (Witches & Vampires)

Almost Human: Tales From the Uncanny Valley (Witches & Vampires)

Atlantis, the Lost Continent Part 2: Seeders of Civilization

Atlantis, the Lost Continent Part 2: Seeders of Civilization

Atlantis, the Lost Continent Part 1: When Death Danced Upon the Earth

Atlantis, the Lost Continent Part 1: When Death Danced Upon the Earth

In Death Reborn: The Origins of Easter

In Death Reborn: The Origins of Easter

Fairy Faith, Fairy Fear (Part 1): Folkloric Reconstructions

Fairy Faith, Fairy Fear (Part 1): Folkloric Reconstructions