Adventists are signing this petition - Conrad Vine

Adventists are signing this petition - Conrad Vine

You need to watch this to understand why some SDA pastors ...

You need to watch this to understand why some SDA pastors ...

Oregon Conference released new update

Oregon Conference released new update

SDA Pastor in the US responds to Donald Trump

SDA Pastor in the US responds to Donald Trump

Another sermon by Dr. Vine is Receiving attention

Another sermon by Dr. Vine is Receiving attention

Gunman Threatened to kill Adventists last sabbath

Gunman Threatened to kill Adventists last sabbath

Pastor Diop has spoken about those who post videos online about him

Pastor Diop has spoken about those who post videos online about him

Many SDA are talking about this - Conrad Vine

Many SDA are talking about this - Conrad Vine

Dr. Vine got cancelled again

Dr. Vine got cancelled again

Has Ted Wilson Responded to Dr. Vine?

Has Ted Wilson Responded to Dr. Vine?

All Adventists need to watch this video - SDA

All Adventists need to watch this video - SDA

Conrad Vine has spoken out about his issue

Conrad Vine has spoken out about his issue

Pastor Mark Finley speaks about the SDA church

Pastor Mark Finley speaks about the SDA church

Dr. Vine speaks about this

Dr. Vine speaks about this

Dr. Conrad Vine is banned from preaching in SDA churches under the Michigan Conference

Dr. Conrad Vine is banned from preaching in SDA churches under the Michigan Conference

Why the Guyana Conference of SDA is going viral

Why the Guyana Conference of SDA is going viral

Hold your leaders accountable - Dr. Vine and Ted Wilson

Hold your leaders accountable - Dr. Vine and Ted Wilson

Wow!! See how many Adventists are supporting Dr. Conrad Vine

Wow!! See how many Adventists are supporting Dr. Conrad Vine

Pastor Ron Kelly said this about Dr. Vine's issue

Pastor Ron Kelly said this about Dr. Vine's issue

Brixton SDA church members took to the streets

Brixton SDA church members took to the streets

Some members who registered are now asking for refund because Dr. Vine was canceled

Some members who registered are now asking for refund because Dr. Vine was canceled

New Update about Dr. Conrad Vine

New Update about Dr. Conrad Vine

Dr. Conrad Vine in trouble for preaching this sermon

Dr. Conrad Vine in trouble for preaching this sermon

Everybody will soon rest on Sunday

Everybody will soon rest on Sunday

This SDA sermon is receiving more attention - Randy Skeete

This SDA sermon is receiving more attention - Randy Skeete

Dr. Conrad Vine exposed the General Conference of SDA

Dr. Conrad Vine exposed the General Conference of SDA

Walter Veith Speaks out about Apostasy in the church

Walter Veith Speaks out about Apostasy in the church

Sunday Pastor attacks Adventists for keeping the sabbath

Sunday Pastor attacks Adventists for keeping the sabbath

For the first time, Walter Veith speaks about his bad experience in the SDA church

For the first time, Walter Veith speaks about his bad experience in the SDA church

This question nearly got Steve Wohlberg in trouble

This question nearly got Steve Wohlberg in trouble