When hood dudes start listing all their bad achievements

When hood dudes start listing all their bad achievements

How society acts when men get sexually assaulted

How society acts when men get sexually assaulted

Corporations during Men's Mental Health month

Corporations during Men's Mental Health month

Explaining pride month to an old person

Explaining pride month to an old person

How women workout at the Gym

How women workout at the Gym

P. Diddy PR team when the Cassie footage leaked

P. Diddy PR team when the Cassie footage leaked

How do people not know Peter Parker is Spider-Man

How do people not know Peter Parker is Spider-Man

That friend who wants a zombie apocalypse to happens

That friend who wants a zombie apocalypse to happens

How some Christians try to convert you to Christianity

How some Christians try to convert you to Christianity

When you protest for basic human rights

When you protest for basic human rights

When the song is too Relatable Part 3

When the song is too Relatable Part 3

How Drake was acting when Kendrick dissed him again

How Drake was acting when Kendrick dissed him again

Parents who let their kids do whatever they want

Parents who let their kids do whatever they want

When God made black people

When God made black people

When the hostage is ugly

When the hostage is ugly

When her friend start cockblocking

When her friend start cockblocking

When they tell you that you haven't changed

When they tell you that you haven't changed

When the Government found out about medicine

When the Government found out about medicine

When you tell a Woke person

When you tell a Woke person "Happy Easter"

Diddy getting raided by the feds

Diddy getting raided by the feds

When you forgot to get the permission slip signed

When you forgot to get the permission slip signed

People who can't explain the movie without spoiling it

People who can't explain the movie without spoiling it

How Dan Schneider treated kids on set

How Dan Schneider treated kids on set

How Boeing makes their planes

How Boeing makes their planes

The Government banning TikTok

The Government banning TikTok

When medicine commercials mention side effects

When medicine commercials mention side effects

People who talk too much at the Gym

People who talk too much at the Gym

If Americans weren't scared of their Government

If Americans weren't scared of their Government

If funerals had sponsored ads

If funerals had sponsored ads

If having a podcast was illegal

If having a podcast was illegal