Alexander Zass - A Different Kind Of Strength

Alexander Zass - A Different Kind Of Strength

Why Were Ancient Aliens So Shredded?

Why Were Ancient Aliens So Shredded?

Sandow Was NOT The First Bodybuilder

Sandow Was NOT The First Bodybuilder

Statuesque Poses of Old School Bodybuilders

Statuesque Poses of Old School Bodybuilders

Modern Lessons From Early Bodybuilders

Modern Lessons From Early Bodybuilders

Does Sandow's Light Dumbbell System Actually Work?

Does Sandow's Light Dumbbell System Actually Work?

Joan Rhodes - From Homeless Girl to Superstar Strongwoman

Joan Rhodes - From Homeless Girl to Superstar Strongwoman

The Mighty Leopard Skins of Old School Strongmen

The Mighty Leopard Skins of Old School Strongmen

Bob Peoples - The Greatest Deadlifter of All Time?

Bob Peoples - The Greatest Deadlifter of All Time?

WTF Happened To Bodybuilding??

WTF Happened To Bodybuilding??

Bronze Era Muscle Control Was On Another Level

Bronze Era Muscle Control Was On Another Level

How The Hell Did Steve Reeves Win The 1950 Mr. Universe?

How The Hell Did Steve Reeves Win The 1950 Mr. Universe?

History Of The Chest Expander

History Of The Chest Expander

Charmion - Most Muscular Bronze Era Woman

Charmion - Most Muscular Bronze Era Woman

The Legendary Strength of Bronze Era Lifters

The Legendary Strength of Bronze Era Lifters

Silver Era Bodybuilders Were NOT NATURAL??

Silver Era Bodybuilders Were NOT NATURAL??

When Did Bodybuilders Start Using Steroids?

When Did Bodybuilders Start Using Steroids?

Why Did Bronze Era Lifters Have Flat Chests?

Why Did Bronze Era Lifters Have Flat Chests?

The Mighty Atom & The World’s Strongest Hair

The Mighty Atom & The World’s Strongest Hair

Marvin Eder & The 515 Pound Bench Press

Marvin Eder & The 515 Pound Bench Press

100k! Thank you :)

100k! Thank you :)

Luisita Leers - The Air Queen

Luisita Leers - The Air Queen

Bronze Era Bodybuilding Diet - What Did They Eat?

Bronze Era Bodybuilding Diet - What Did They Eat?

Vulcana - Strength, Beauty, Heroism & Tragedy

Vulcana - Strength, Beauty, Heroism & Tragedy

Bobby Pandour - Mysterious Bronze Era SUPERSTAR

Bobby Pandour - Mysterious Bronze Era SUPERSTAR

The Great Gama & The 1200kg Stone

The Great Gama & The 1200kg Stone

How did Siegmund Klein get so JACKED?

How did Siegmund Klein get so JACKED?

Melvin Wells - Buffalo Hercules

Melvin Wells - Buffalo Hercules

John Grimek - The Monarch of Muscledom

John Grimek - The Monarch of Muscledom

Are Bull Testicles ANABOLIC?

Are Bull Testicles ANABOLIC?