What’s the deal with the Anti-Psychiatry Movement?

What’s the deal with the Anti-Psychiatry Movement?

How “good people” facilitated horrific CIA mind control experiments

How “good people” facilitated horrific CIA mind control experiments

A skeptic's deep dive into hypnosis

A skeptic's deep dive into hypnosis


The "miracle cure" with no medicine in them

It's time to revisit Dissociative Identity Disorder

It's time to revisit Dissociative Identity Disorder

A hard look at EMDR and its unscrupulous founder

A hard look at EMDR and its unscrupulous founder

Dreams. Why?

Dreams. Why?

This is your brain on ecstasy

This is your brain on ecstasy

The problem with Emotional Support Animals

The problem with Emotional Support Animals

I'm starting a private practice.

I'm starting a private practice.

Understanding the mind of a mass shooter

Understanding the mind of a mass shooter

When will artificial intelligence surpass human intelligence?

When will artificial intelligence surpass human intelligence?

Animal research is still the best option

Animal research is still the best option

Your therapist should play D&D with you. Here's why.

Your therapist should play D&D with you. Here's why.

The dubious claims of brain training (and what actually works)

The dubious claims of brain training (and what actually works)

Elon Musk and the hubris of Neuralink

Elon Musk and the hubris of Neuralink

The scandal that shook psychology to its core

The scandal that shook psychology to its core

Bring back asylums...but better

Bring back asylums...but better

My baby's brain from conception to birth

My baby's brain from conception to birth

We need to talk about bad therapists.

We need to talk about bad therapists.

This is what COVID does to your brain.

This is what COVID does to your brain.

Why I stopped watching football

Why I stopped watching football

I have insomnia. This neurotech says it can cure me.

I have insomnia. This neurotech says it can cure me.

Evolutionary psychology is mostly garbage.

Evolutionary psychology is mostly garbage.

The Stoned Ape Theory is bad

The Stoned Ape Theory is bad

Scared Stiff - A Quirky Halloween Short Film

Scared Stiff - A Quirky Halloween Short Film

A (Brief) History of Brain Sciences

A (Brief) History of Brain Sciences

This is why stupid people think they know everything.

This is why stupid people think they know everything.

The fad diet that cures epilepsy

The fad diet that cures epilepsy

This Is Your Brain On Shrooms

This Is Your Brain On Shrooms