18. Re capping the main points

18. Re capping the main points

17. Future examining, describing and comparing forms

17. Future examining, describing and comparing forms

16. Past Continuous Comparisons with Past Simple

16. Past Continuous Comparisons with Past Simple

15. Past Continuous what on earth is this

15. Past Continuous what on earth is this

14. Past Simple Breaking it down Signal Words

14. Past Simple Breaking it down Signal Words

13. Past Simple Introduction

13. Past Simple Introduction

12. Present Perfect so what is this

12. Present Perfect so what is this

11. Continuing on Present Continuous aka Progressive

11. Continuing on Present Continuous aka Progressive

10. Present simple Questions and Answers

10. Present simple Questions and Answers

9. Present simple Positives and Negatives

9. Present simple Positives and Negatives

8. Present simple Breaking it down

8. Present simple Breaking it down

7. Present simple Just the facts, maam, just the facts

7. Present simple Just the facts, maam, just the facts

6. The Basics Classroom Layout Options

6. The Basics Classroom Layout Options

5. Increasing our Skeleton Vocabulary Adjectives and Adverbs

5. Increasing our Skeleton Vocabulary Adjectives and Adverbs

4. An overview of the English Language Skeleton

4. An overview of the English Language Skeleton

3. Overview of the Course Structure why is it put together like this

3. Overview of the Course Structure why is it put together like this

2. Why learn with me Lets find out

2. Why learn with me Lets find out

1. Introduction to the course Superpower your English

1. Introduction to the course Superpower your English

10. Booking movie tickets

10. Booking movie tickets

9. Receiving someone at the airport

9. Receiving someone at the airport

8. Making a doctors appointment

8. Making a doctors appointment

7. Reporting a product complaint

7. Reporting a product complaint

6. Buying a dual sim mobile phone

6. Buying a dual sim mobile phone

5. Buying a SIM card at a mobile shop

5. Buying a SIM card at a mobile shop

4. Looking for a new home

4. Looking for a new home

3. Opening a Bank Account

3. Opening a Bank Account

2. Catching up with a friend

2. Catching up with a friend

1. Getting introduced

1. Getting introduced

0. Course Overview

0. Course Overview

4. Lets summarize the series

4. Lets summarize the series