Autumn Apple Harvest and Simple Rustic Pie

Autumn Apple Harvest and Simple Rustic Pie

Giant Garden Harvest | Old Root Cellar Storing

Giant Garden Harvest | Old Root Cellar Storing

Canning 47 Quarts of Pumpkin | Best Pumpkin Soup I've Ever Made

Canning 47 Quarts of Pumpkin | Best Pumpkin Soup I've Ever Made

Garden Harvest and Fall Clean-up | Probably One of the Best Soups

Garden Harvest and Fall Clean-up | Probably One of the Best Soups

Giant Squash, Big Garden Harvest and Preserving Day!

Giant Squash, Big Garden Harvest and Preserving Day!

Giant Harvest and Canning Day | Potatoes, Melons and Chili Base

Giant Harvest and Canning Day | Potatoes, Melons and Chili Base

Big Canning Day and a Few New Recipes

Big Canning Day and a Few New Recipes

Giant 500lb Harvest | That's What Happens When You Leave

Giant 500lb Harvest | That's What Happens When You Leave

BULK Canning Day || 141 Jars in One Day!

BULK Canning Day || 141 Jars in One Day!

We Left for 5 Days and Came Home to This | How Did That Happen???

We Left for 5 Days and Came Home to This | How Did That Happen???

Let Me Show You Something Beautiful

Let Me Show You Something Beautiful

This Should Fix It | Bulk Harvesting, Canning and Preserving

This Should Fix It | Bulk Harvesting, Canning and Preserving

Something I’ve Never Grown or Made | Harvest to Table

Something I’ve Never Grown or Made | Harvest to Table

Let's Turn This into Something Awesome! | BULK Preserving and Thrifty Soup

Let's Turn This into Something Awesome! | BULK Preserving and Thrifty Soup

I Really Messed That Up | Lessons in the Garden

I Really Messed That Up | Lessons in the Garden

What Am I Going to Do With All of This? | BULK Preservation Day

What Am I Going to Do With All of This? | BULK Preservation Day

This is Kinda Harsh but it Needs to Be Done | Huge Harvest, too!

This is Kinda Harsh but it Needs to Be Done | Huge Harvest, too!

I Can't Believe It Happened Again | This Has to Stop!

I Can't Believe It Happened Again | This Has to Stop!

So Wild How Big They Are! | These Could Be a Game Changer

So Wild How Big They Are! | These Could Be a Game Changer

This is Way Better than I Thought it Would Be!

This is Way Better than I Thought it Would Be!

I Wasn't Expecting This | Not so Good and Really Great!

I Wasn't Expecting This | Not so Good and Really Great!

I've Been Waiting for This! | Best Zucchini Relish and Fridge Dills

I've Been Waiting for This! | Best Zucchini Relish and Fridge Dills

Abundant Harvest and Tour | Short Season Gardening in the North

Abundant Harvest and Tour | Short Season Gardening in the North

BULK Canning, Parting out Chicken, Making Stock | Thoughts on Butchering

BULK Canning, Parting out Chicken, Making Stock | Thoughts on Butchering

Incredible Dessert and Easy Lunch | Trifle and Sausage and Apple Bake

Incredible Dessert and Easy Lunch | Trifle and Sausage and Apple Bake

Full Summer Garden Tour | It's Not Perfect, but Still Beautiful!

Full Summer Garden Tour | It's Not Perfect, but Still Beautiful!

4000 Costco and Wholesale Club Haul | 3-Month Large Family Groceries

4000 Costco and Wholesale Club Haul | 3-Month Large Family Groceries

Harvest Day | Greenhouse Pruning, Peony Jelly and Fermenting Garlic Scapes

Harvest Day | Greenhouse Pruning, Peony Jelly and Fermenting Garlic Scapes

BULK Canning 107 Jars of Peaches and Salsa in One Day | How I Make it Easy

BULK Canning 107 Jars of Peaches and Salsa in One Day | How I Make it Easy

Sun Jam, the Best Jam You'll Ever Eat! | Hay and Honey

Sun Jam, the Best Jam You'll Ever Eat! | Hay and Honey