Yesterday I saw something new and exciting: CunBA, the latests sports craze in China

Yesterday I saw something new and exciting: CunBA, the latests sports craze in China

The NPC is 70 years old today

The NPC is 70 years old today

People ask why wasn't China better prepared...

People ask why wasn't China better prepared...

Is China's Society Collapsing?

Is China's Society Collapsing?

What's China Doing in Africa: more accurately, what's Africa doing in China now

What's China Doing in Africa: more accurately, what's Africa doing in China now

Who wants to live in China?

Who wants to live in China?

The only thing Jake Sullivan Achieved in China

The only thing Jake Sullivan Achieved in China

How to Spot an Online Troll

How to Spot an Online Troll

VPNs in China; the Myths Vs the Reality

VPNs in China; the Myths Vs the Reality

Kamala: what has she been talking about?

Kamala: what has she been talking about?

Why I don't complain in China

Why I don't complain in China

Bike Riding in Zhongshan and beyond

Bike Riding in Zhongshan and beyond

More Disinformation on China

More Disinformation on China

The problems in the UK are a Century in the Making

The problems in the UK are a Century in the Making

Lupanshui Part two

Lupanshui Part two

East West Cooperation inside China's Borders

East West Cooperation inside China's Borders

Tibet or Xizang: Invasion or Liberation?

Tibet or Xizang: Invasion or Liberation?

Xinjiang and my impressions of it

Xinjiang and my impressions of it

40 pieces of Gold: USA follows biblical pattern

40 pieces of Gold: USA follows biblical pattern

Tibet Part 2: a long walk without minders

Tibet Part 2: a long walk without minders

The dirty tactics they use to Misinform us

The dirty tactics they use to Misinform us

What makes Westerners get China so Wrong?

What makes Westerners get China so Wrong?

China Arrests a woman for Social Media Posts: what's going on?

China Arrests a woman for Social Media Posts: what's going on?

Will the Real Olympic Cheats Please Stand-up?

Will the Real Olympic Cheats Please Stand-up?

Part one of my Tibet Travel series

Part one of my Tibet Travel series

What is the third plenary session

What is the third plenary session

What the West Still Doesn’t Get about China

What the West Still Doesn’t Get about China

What is 9/9/6 and why does it cause so much consternation in the West?

What is 9/9/6 and why does it cause so much consternation in the West?

How USAsians can M.A.G.A

How USAsians can M.A.G.A

Two Presidential Candidates... without a brain between them

Two Presidential Candidates... without a brain between them