Love edit audios and the ships that fit them~

Love edit audios and the ships that fit them~

Edit audios that are good (amazing title, right?)

Edit audios that are good (amazing title, right?)

The pic is cool, right ? Those edit audios too

The pic is cool, right ? Those edit audios too

Sad edit audios that are somehow comforting

Sad edit audios that are somehow comforting

Edit audios that makes me wanna go brrr or smth like that (anyway you got the idea)

Edit audios that makes me wanna go brrr or smth like that (anyway you got the idea)

Hot edit audios, that’s it, that’s the title

Hot edit audios, that’s it, that’s the title

Badass edit audios that are just huh so fine

Badass edit audios that are just huh so fine

edit audios that are just.. beautiful?

edit audios that are just.. beautiful?

Edit audios that are just too cool

Edit audios that are just too cool

edit audios that are the definition of

edit audios that are the definition of "I am going to end you"

sped up songs from tiktok (nightcore if you want)

sped up songs from tiktok (nightcore if you want)

popular edit audios x genshin characters (cause they are hot)

popular edit audios x genshin characters (cause they are hot)

Ship edit audios because we both know you're a simp

Ship edit audios because we both know you're a simp

Sad edit audios that kinda scream

Sad edit audios that kinda scream "unfair"

Edit audios for the villains cause we love them

Edit audios for the villains cause we love them

Hot edit audios and their genshin impact characters

Hot edit audios and their genshin impact characters

Chase Atlantic edit audios cause they are one of the best band

Chase Atlantic edit audios cause they are one of the best band

Edit audios for your enemies to lovers scenarios

Edit audios for your enemies to lovers scenarios

Edit audios for the villain who wants revenge

Edit audios for the villain who wants revenge

Sad edit audios because we are broken

Sad edit audios because we are broken

badass edit audios because you are hot

badass edit audios because you are hot