香蕉酸奶蛋糕(無油食譜)👍我的“核桃香蕉蛋糕”和“酸奶蛋糕”的美味健康組合❗️Banana Yogurt Cake (oil-free recipe), healthy and delicious!

香蕉酸奶蛋糕(無油食譜)👍我的“核桃香蕉蛋糕”和“酸奶蛋糕”的美味健康組合❗️Banana Yogurt Cake (oil-free recipe), healthy and delicious!

海鹽奶蓋蛋糕👍超柔軟綿,香濃而不膩❗️ Salted cream cake | Super soft, fragrant but not greasy | Pastel de crema salada

海鹽奶蓋蛋糕👍超柔軟綿,香濃而不膩❗️ Salted cream cake | Super soft, fragrant but not greasy | Pastel de crema salada

這是我吃過最好吃的戚風蛋糕👍溫柔細膩如雲朵,就像輕乳酪蛋糕般的入口即化❗️ This is the best chiffon cake I have ever eaten ❗️

這是我吃過最好吃的戚風蛋糕👍溫柔細膩如雲朵,就像輕乳酪蛋糕般的入口即化❗️ This is the best chiffon cake I have ever eaten ❗️

5分鐘的美味❗️香芋夾心巴斯克蛋糕👍無淡奶油食譜,巴斯克家族裏的第9款 ❗️ Taro Basque cheesecake | Tarta de queso vasco de taro

5分鐘的美味❗️香芋夾心巴斯克蛋糕👍無淡奶油食譜,巴斯克家族裏的第9款 ❗️ Taro Basque cheesecake | Tarta de queso vasco de taro

蒸蛋糕👍無泡打粉 ❗️ 超蓬鬆柔軟又零失敗的訣竅都在裏面 ❗️ Steamed Cake | No baking powder | Super Fluffy & Soft

蒸蛋糕👍無泡打粉 ❗️ 超蓬鬆柔軟又零失敗的訣竅都在裏面 ❗️ Steamed Cake | No baking powder | Super Fluffy & Soft

藍莓紐約芝士蛋糕👍餐廳顧客的首選飯後甜點❗️ Blueberry New York Cheesecake👍Pastel de queso de arándanos súper delicioso

藍莓紐約芝士蛋糕👍餐廳顧客的首選飯後甜點❗️ Blueberry New York Cheesecake👍Pastel de queso de arándanos súper delicioso

5分鐘的美味 ❗️ 椰糖蘋果巴斯克蛋糕👍就這麽簡單💯 5 minutes delicious ❗️ Coconut Sugar Apple Basque cake👍

5分鐘的美味 ❗️ 椰糖蘋果巴斯克蛋糕👍就這麽簡單💯 5 minutes delicious ❗️ Coconut Sugar Apple Basque cake👍

榛子年輪蛋糕👍每一圈你都可以細細品味❗️Hazelnut Chocolate Annual Ring Cake👍 Pastel de anillo anual de avellanas

榛子年輪蛋糕👍每一圈你都可以細細品味❗️Hazelnut Chocolate Annual Ring Cake👍 Pastel de anillo anual de avellanas

從老闆和員工到顧客都說這是吃過最好吃的核桃胡蘿蔔Muffins👍訣竅全都告訴你 | The Best Carrot Muffins |Los mejores muffins de zanahoria

從老闆和員工到顧客都說這是吃過最好吃的核桃胡蘿蔔Muffins👍訣竅全都告訴你 | The Best Carrot Muffins |Los mejores muffins de zanahoria

提拉米蘇 👍 不放生鷄蛋,不放糖,帶給你的不僅是美味💯還有愛和幸福❗️Tiramisu(No raw eggs) | Tiramisú (Sin huevos crudos)

提拉米蘇 👍 不放生鷄蛋,不放糖,帶給你的不僅是美味💯還有愛和幸福❗️Tiramisu(No raw eggs) | Tiramisú (Sin huevos crudos)

超級濕潤柔軟的胡蘿蔔蛋糕👍少油少糖,健康和美味兼得❗️ Super moist & soft carrot cake, less oil and sugar, healthy & delicious

超級濕潤柔軟的胡蘿蔔蛋糕👍少油少糖,健康和美味兼得❗️ Super moist & soft carrot cake, less oil and sugar, healthy & delicious

甜裏帶鹹的蜂蜜岩燒芝士蛋糕👍意想不到的驚喜❗️Baked Honey Cheesecake, unexpected surprise!Pastel de queso con miel al horno

甜裏帶鹹的蜂蜜岩燒芝士蛋糕👍意想不到的驚喜❗️Baked Honey Cheesecake, unexpected surprise!Pastel de queso con miel al horno

抹茶漸變蛋糕😋可以讓你美足一整天 🌹 Matcha Mousse Cake, Can make you beautiful all day | Pastel de mousse de matcha

抹茶漸變蛋糕😋可以讓你美足一整天 🌹 Matcha Mousse Cake, Can make you beautiful all day | Pastel de mousse de matcha

自從知道蘋果可以這樣做,家裏的蘋果不夠吃了❗️ Since I know that apples can make this, there are not enough apples at home

自從知道蘋果可以這樣做,家裏的蘋果不夠吃了❗️ Since I know that apples can make this, there are not enough apples at home

怎樣做層次分明又柔軟的斑馬蛋糕?只需做好這兩步 | How to make soft and beautiful zebra cake| Cómo hacer pastel de cebra

怎樣做層次分明又柔軟的斑馬蛋糕?只需做好這兩步 | How to make soft and beautiful zebra cake| Cómo hacer pastel de cebra

藍莓芝士蛋糕👍柔軟裏微酸帶甜的清爽❗️ Blueberry cheesecake 👍 melted in your mouth ❗️ Tarta de queso con arándanos

藍莓芝士蛋糕👍柔軟裏微酸帶甜的清爽❗️ Blueberry cheesecake 👍 melted in your mouth ❗️ Tarta de queso con arándanos

師傅私藏的酥皮100%成功的做法👍絕不怕爆油斷裂❗️15分鐘内就可以做好❗️Pineapple Puff Pastry,make it in 15 minutes | Hojaldre de piña

師傅私藏的酥皮100%成功的做法👍絕不怕爆油斷裂❗️15分鐘内就可以做好❗️Pineapple Puff Pastry,make it in 15 minutes | Hojaldre de piña

火遍北美的日式芝士蛋糕👍幾分鐘你就可以學會❗️Japanese cheesecake, learn it in a few minutes! Tarta de queso japonesa

火遍北美的日式芝士蛋糕👍幾分鐘你就可以學會❗️Japanese cheesecake, learn it in a few minutes! Tarta de queso japonesa

Bakery 日賣過百的核桃香蕉咖啡蛋糕👍你也可以輕鬆在家做❗️Walnut Banana Coffee Cake | Pastel de café con nuez y plátano

Bakery 日賣過百的核桃香蕉咖啡蛋糕👍你也可以輕鬆在家做❗️Walnut Banana Coffee Cake | Pastel de café con nuez y plátano

給我6分鐘❗️我給你一個鬆軟搖晃,入口即化的日式南瓜芝士蛋糕👍Japanese pumpkin cheesecake | Tarta de queso de calabaza japonesa

給我6分鐘❗️我給你一個鬆軟搖晃,入口即化的日式南瓜芝士蛋糕👍Japanese pumpkin cheesecake | Tarta de queso de calabaza japonesa

紫薯麵包👍多加一種天然的麵粉改良劑也能做出超柔軟蓬鬆的麵包❗️ Vegan Purple Sweet Potato Bread, SOFT | Pan vegano de boniato morado

紫薯麵包👍多加一種天然的麵粉改良劑也能做出超柔軟蓬鬆的麵包❗️ Vegan Purple Sweet Potato Bread, SOFT | Pan vegano de boniato morado

怎樣做超鬆軟的南瓜麵包 | How to make super soft and fluffy pumpkin bread | Pan de calabaza suave y esponjoso

怎樣做超鬆軟的南瓜麵包 | How to make super soft and fluffy pumpkin bread | Pan de calabaza suave y esponjoso

5分鐘的美味👍夢幻紫薯巴斯克蛋糕💯5 minutes delicious!Purple Sweet Potato Basque Cake! ¡Pastel Vasco De Camote Morado

5分鐘的美味👍夢幻紫薯巴斯克蛋糕💯5 minutes delicious!Purple Sweet Potato Basque Cake! ¡Pastel Vasco De Camote Morado

不要浪費熟透的香蕉🍌🍌🍌無糖❗️無烤箱❗️只要家裏有鷄蛋和麵粉❗️ No Sugar ❗️ No Oven ❗️ Don't waste ripe bananas❗️

不要浪費熟透的香蕉🍌🍌🍌無糖❗️無烤箱❗️只要家裏有鷄蛋和麵粉❗️ No Sugar ❗️ No Oven ❗️ Don't waste ripe bananas❗️

有這個食譜👍你可以每天早上輕鬆吃上新鮮現烤的麵包❗️With this recipe👍 you can easily eat freshly baked bread every morning❗️

有這個食譜👍你可以每天早上輕鬆吃上新鮮現烤的麵包❗️With this recipe👍 you can easily eat freshly baked bread every morning❗️

免揉❗️只需2分鐘準備的麵糰❗️輕鬆做出健康和美味的麵包👍Prepare the dough in 2 minutes❗️ Easily ❗️ healthy and delicious bread👍

免揉❗️只需2分鐘準備的麵糰❗️輕鬆做出健康和美味的麵包👍Prepare the dough in 2 minutes❗️ Easily ❗️ healthy and delicious bread👍

自從有了這個食譜👍我才發現芋頭不做甜的也這麽美味❗️ No Oven ❗️ No Yeast ❗️ Simple recipe ❗️ Super delicious 👍

自從有了這個食譜👍我才發現芋頭不做甜的也這麽美味❗️ No Oven ❗️ No Yeast ❗️ Simple recipe ❗️ Super delicious 👍

自從有了這個食譜👍我一次就可以嘗到兩種美食❗️Since I have this recipe 👍I can taste two kinds of delicacies at once ❗️

自從有了這個食譜👍我一次就可以嘗到兩種美食❗️Since I have this recipe 👍I can taste two kinds of delicacies at once ❗️

自從有了這個食譜👍我家熟透的香蕉就再沒有浪費過❗️Since I have this recipe 👍 The ripe bananas have never been wasted again❗️

自從有了這個食譜👍我家熟透的香蕉就再沒有浪費過❗️Since I have this recipe 👍 The ripe bananas have never been wasted again❗️

試試這個芋泥軟心月餅💯不太甜❗️更加不膩❗️但很香👍Taro puree soft heart Mooncake, not too sweet & greasy, but very fragrant👍

試試這個芋泥軟心月餅💯不太甜❗️更加不膩❗️但很香👍Taro puree soft heart Mooncake, not too sweet & greasy, but very fragrant👍