HEMA Longsword Sparring (toning it down just a notch)

HEMA Longsword Sparring (toning it down just a notch)

Armoured Sparring at Winterkamp

Armoured Sparring at Winterkamp

Messer versus Sidesword (with @TheSwArtan )

Messer versus Sidesword (with @TheSwArtan )

The unfair advantage of gaming Zufechten (Wiener Messer Melange workshop)

The unfair advantage of gaming Zufechten (Wiener Messer Melange workshop)

Lo-fi 16th century battlefield sounds to study or fall asleep to

Lo-fi 16th century battlefield sounds to study or fall asleep to

How a Fencer shall be Armed at their ease, so that they may Fight in the Fencing Hall

How a Fencer shall be Armed at their ease, so that they may Fight in the Fencing Hall

Avatar the last Messerbender: a Winterkamp Workshop recap

Avatar the last Messerbender: a Winterkamp Workshop recap

Workshop Dreynevent:

Workshop Dreynevent: "The right time for many techniques": decision-making in Lecküchner's fightbook

When Longsword Fencers do Armoured Fighting

When Longsword Fencers do Armoured Fighting

Landsknecht Versus Knight 2: legshot boogaloo

Landsknecht Versus Knight 2: legshot boogaloo

Achilles and the Mountain versus Goliath: greatsword sparring with three distinct styles.

Achilles and the Mountain versus Goliath: greatsword sparring with three distinct styles.

When Peasants fight with Long Knives: Bauernwehr/Rugger Sparring

When Peasants fight with Long Knives: Bauernwehr/Rugger Sparring

How much does armour slow you down when fighting with a Greatsword?

How much does armour slow you down when fighting with a Greatsword?

Learn to fight with the Greatsword! A tutorial on Figueyredo's simple rules 1-16

Learn to fight with the Greatsword! A tutorial on Figueyredo's simple rules 1-16

HEMA Longsword Tutorial: flow and structure.

HEMA Longsword Tutorial: flow and structure.

Landsknecht versus Knight [halberd, pollaxe and pike in armour]

Landsknecht versus Knight [halberd, pollaxe and pike in armour]

Landsknecht songs: separating myths from history

Landsknecht songs: separating myths from history

Vytis throat guard review

Vytis throat guard review

Whack around and Wind out: using windings to stay safe and control the fight

Whack around and Wind out: using windings to stay safe and control the fight

Fighting with Landsknecht Pikes

Fighting with Landsknecht Pikes

Spinning = Winning? An in-depth look at Figueyredo's rule 14 with Greatsword against Polearms

Spinning = Winning? An in-depth look at Figueyredo's rule 14 with Greatsword against Polearms

Sinister Dexterity: Messer Fencing for and against Left-handers

Sinister Dexterity: Messer Fencing for and against Left-handers

Trying some things in Messer Sparring

Trying some things in Messer Sparring

Fighting in Landsknecht Armour: halfsword

Fighting in Landsknecht Armour: halfsword

Taking the Battlements: a workshop on Messer Fencing

Taking the Battlements: a workshop on Messer Fencing

Channel Update

Channel Update

In the name of God, put him in the sack: when fencing gets a bit ridiculous

In the name of God, put him in the sack: when fencing gets a bit ridiculous

Langes Messer (and Longsword) beginner's guide: a workshop on interpreting Fight Books.

Langes Messer (and Longsword) beginner's guide: a workshop on interpreting Fight Books.

The Proto-Katzbalger. What is this sword and how do you use it?

The Proto-Katzbalger. What is this sword and how do you use it?

I destroyed a spear with a sharp sword! (to test a popular theory)

I destroyed a spear with a sharp sword! (to test a popular theory)