Making the ULTIMATE snapping turtle tank

Making the ULTIMATE snapping turtle tank

How to tile a bathroom floor

How to tile a bathroom floor

Tubby Tobey is in critical condition… and my bathroom broke

Tubby Tobey is in critical condition… and my bathroom broke

Body shaming my baby goldfish

Body shaming my baby goldfish

Building 300 gallon indoor pond…

Building 300 gallon indoor pond…

Should I sell Pikachu?

Should I sell Pikachu?

He’s out of the hospital!

He’s out of the hospital!

Culling Baby Ranchu Goldfish (side-view judging)

Culling Baby Ranchu Goldfish (side-view judging)

I hired guys off Craigslist to move dirt

I hired guys off Craigslist to move dirt

I sold Stacy...

I sold Stacy...

Bye bye Codeman 😢

Bye bye Codeman 😢

Mr. Clean is NOT dead… he’s actually looking better

Mr. Clean is NOT dead… he’s actually looking better

Mr. Clean Died

Mr. Clean Died

Mr. Clean is on hospice care

Mr. Clean is on hospice care

Something happened to Carrot…

Something happened to Carrot…

I’m mad at Carrot 2.0…

I’m mad at Carrot 2.0…

Having my goldfish predict the winner of the 2024 presidential election

Having my goldfish predict the winner of the 2024 presidential election

Burning Mr. Clean’s intestines

Burning Mr. Clean’s intestines

Mr. Clean is still alive! (but not for long… maybe)

Mr. Clean is still alive! (but not for long… maybe)

I’m auctioning off Cheeseball

I’m auctioning off Cheeseball

My ZERO WATER CHANGE tank system

My ZERO WATER CHANGE tank system

Basement fish farm update

Basement fish farm update

Creating a guppy army

Creating a guppy army

What happened to Gizmo, Tuco & Jimmy?

What happened to Gizmo, Tuco & Jimmy?

How to fix a floating goldfish to swim like normal again

How to fix a floating goldfish to swim like normal again

Mr. Lobotomy’s head is growing back

Mr. Lobotomy’s head is growing back

Trimming Jigglypuff’s overgrown wen

Trimming Jigglypuff’s overgrown wen

Jigglypuff can’t see well

Jigglypuff can’t see well

Destroying my house with an excavator (I saw a spider)

Destroying my house with an excavator (I saw a spider)

Drowning my goldfish

Drowning my goldfish