Short Takes: Belts

Short Takes: Belts

Short takes: Crosses as Jewelry

Short takes: Crosses as Jewelry

The Four Gospels, a lovely and unusual manuscript from Italy

The Four Gospels, a lovely and unusual manuscript from Italy

Book of Hours (use of Paris) by the Master of the Munich Golden Legend

Book of Hours (use of Paris) by the Master of the Munich Golden Legend

Hours of Johannes Meckis

Hours of Johannes Meckis

Live from TEFAF Maastricht 2024.

Live from TEFAF Maastricht 2024.

Book of Hours (Use of Sarum) by the Masters of Otto van Moerdrecht

Book of Hours (Use of Sarum) by the Masters of Otto van Moerdrecht

The Hours of Jean Frigard

The Hours of Jean Frigard

Jean Colombe, The Crucifixion, France, Bourges, c.1470–75

Jean Colombe, The Crucifixion, France, Bourges, c.1470–75

Juvenal, Satires

Juvenal, Satires

Les Enluminures, Paris - Chicago - New York

Les Enluminures, Paris - Chicago - New York

TM 1239

TM 1239

The Bishop Carr Bible

The Bishop Carr Bible

Book of Hours (use of Utrecht)

Book of Hours (use of Utrecht)

Hybrid Prayer Book with Hours of the Virgin

Hybrid Prayer Book with Hours of the Virgin

Thomas Norton, The Ordinal of Alchemy

Thomas Norton, The Ordinal of Alchemy

Thourotte Hours (use of Metz)

Thourotte Hours (use of Metz)

Exhibition: The King of Beasts, an Exceptional Renaissance Gem from the Marlborough Collection

Exhibition: The King of Beasts, an Exceptional Renaissance Gem from the Marlborough Collection

Hours of Jean Antoine de Mahieu and Jacqueline de Sivry at TEFAF 2023

Hours of Jean Antoine de Mahieu and Jacqueline de Sivry at TEFAF 2023

Two Collars for an Abbess at TEFAF 2023

Two Collars for an Abbess at TEFAF 2023

The “Signed Hours”

The “Signed Hours”

Thomas A Kempis, Imitatio Christi

Thomas A Kempis, Imitatio Christi

Devout Hours on the Life and Passion of Jesus Christ

Devout Hours on the Life and Passion of Jesus Christ

Privilege-book of the Young Handbow of Antwerp

Privilege-book of the Young Handbow of Antwerp

Gregory I, Homilies on the Gospels

Gregory I, Homilies on the Gospels

The Ketyll Bible

The Ketyll Bible

The Rugby-De Brailes Bible

The Rugby-De Brailes Bible

A Yemenite Pentateuch, bound in two volumes

A Yemenite Pentateuch, bound in two volumes

Italian Breviary

Italian Breviary

Prayer Book of Isabel de Zúñiga y Pimentel

Prayer Book of Isabel de Zúñiga y Pimentel