It be Your Own People Sometimes 😂😂😂😂

It be Your Own People Sometimes 😂😂😂😂

Live in your Lane and Leave people aLone! #alittlerant #momlife #mommingainteasy #crunchykelly

Live in your Lane and Leave people aLone! #alittlerant #momlife #mommingainteasy #crunchykelly

That time #chubchub blew out multiple diapers 😂😂😂

That time #chubchub blew out multiple diapers 😂😂😂

A Family Story Called Wha Happum!!!!!!

A Family Story Called Wha Happum!!!!!!

Christmas Morning!!

Christmas Morning!!

The whole Who Dunnit.....

The whole Who Dunnit.....

The NPC Creeper

The NPC Creeper

Makes Total sense.....

Makes Total sense.....

Playing Barbies with my ChubChub!

Playing Barbies with my ChubChub!

This Is My Guy

This Is My Guy

Doing #PudgePudge hair

Doing #PudgePudge hair

The baby is eating on her own now

The baby is eating on her own now

When your baby refuses to Mama

When your baby refuses to Mama

Tonty sang that y’all. Sis can saaaaang!

Tonty sang that y’all. Sis can saaaaang!

I love watching my baby girl and I really wish I had her hair.

I love watching my baby girl and I really wish I had her hair.

Making all the noise

Making all the noise

Pudge Pudge's skills.

Pudge Pudge's skills.