The cuckoo bird pushed the egg, and the mother bird step on the cuckoo bird's back to save the egg

The cuckoo bird pushed the egg, and the mother bird step on the cuckoo bird's back to save the egg

The cuckoo failed, and the clever mother bird pecked and ate the cuckoo bird egg聪明的鸟妈妈把杜鹃鸟蛋啄烂吃掉了

The cuckoo failed, and the clever mother bird pecked and ate the cuckoo bird egg聪明的鸟妈妈把杜鹃鸟蛋啄烂吃掉了

Day4, The cuckoo occupied the shrike's nest, its begging for food grew louder杜鹃鸟占领伯劳鸟窝第4天,眼睛睁开了

Day4, The cuckoo occupied the shrike's nest, its begging for food grew louder杜鹃鸟占领伯劳鸟窝第4天,眼睛睁开了

The mother bird finally discovered the parasitic cuckoo egg and threw out鸟妈妈终于发现寄生的杜鹃鸟蛋,把蓝色的杜鹃鸟蛋扔了出去

The mother bird finally discovered the parasitic cuckoo egg and threw out鸟妈妈终于发现寄生的杜鹃鸟蛋,把蓝色的杜鹃鸟蛋扔了出去

The mother bird is too tired to hatch the eggs. She doesn't know that the cuckoo has laid the egg

The mother bird is too tired to hatch the eggs. She doesn't know that the cuckoo has laid the egg

Day3, The cuckoo occupied the shrike's nest, grew fast, and body grew a circle larger杜鹃鸟占领伯劳鸟窝第3天

Day3, The cuckoo occupied the shrike's nest, grew fast, and body grew a circle larger杜鹃鸟占领伯劳鸟窝第3天

Day2, The cuckoo bird occupies the shrike bird's nest, eats alone and grows quickly杜鹃鸟占领伯劳鸟窝第2天

Day2, The cuckoo bird occupies the shrike bird's nest, eats alone and grows quickly杜鹃鸟占领伯劳鸟窝第2天

The cuckoo bird pushed out three bird eggs, and I put the eggs back into the nest杜鹃鸟把3颗鸟蛋推出来,我把蛋放回鸟窝

The cuckoo bird pushed out three bird eggs, and I put the eggs back into the nest杜鹃鸟把3颗鸟蛋推出来,我把蛋放回鸟窝

On the first day the cuckoo hatched, it did not push the blue bird egg杜鹃鸟出壳第1天,没有任何推蛋动作,它只想尽快攒够力气

On the first day the cuckoo hatched, it did not push the blue bird egg杜鹃鸟出壳第1天,没有任何推蛋动作,它只想尽快攒够力气

Day1.The cuckoo occupied the shrike's nest, all the shrike's children were killed by it杜鹃鸟占领伯劳鸟窝第1天

Day1.The cuckoo occupied the shrike's nest, all the shrike's children were killed by it杜鹃鸟占领伯劳鸟窝第1天

The cuckoo pushed the little bird out, and the shrike picked it up and fed its meat to the cuckoo

The cuckoo pushed the little bird out, and the shrike picked it up and fed its meat to the cuckoo

The cuckoo bird won, the last little bird was pushed out by the cuckoo bird杜鹃鸟胜利了,最后一只小鸟被杜鹃鸟推出了鸟窝

The cuckoo bird won, the last little bird was pushed out by the cuckoo bird杜鹃鸟胜利了,最后一只小鸟被杜鹃鸟推出了鸟窝

The last little bird was lucky and was not pushed out by the cuckoo bird伯劳鸟最后一只小鸟特别幸运,没有被杜鹃鸟推出去

The last little bird was lucky and was not pushed out by the cuckoo bird伯劳鸟最后一只小鸟特别幸运,没有被杜鹃鸟推出去

The cuckoo bird didn't get food and wanted to push the little bird out伯劳鸟给自己的孩子喂食,杜鹃鸟没有得到,想把小鸟推出去

The cuckoo bird didn't get food and wanted to push the little bird out伯劳鸟给自己的孩子喂食,杜鹃鸟没有得到,想把小鸟推出去

The mother shrike bird protects her child in the nest, and the cuckoo bird only pushes once杜鹃鸟寄生伯劳鸟

The mother shrike bird protects her child in the nest, and the cuckoo bird only pushes once杜鹃鸟寄生伯劳鸟

On a rainy day, the cuckoo pushes the little bird , but the shrike won't stop it下雨天,杜鹃鸟在妈妈的怀里推小鸟

On a rainy day, the cuckoo pushes the little bird , but the shrike won't stop it下雨天,杜鹃鸟在妈妈的怀里推小鸟

The cuckoo bird still pushes the little bird, leaving only the child of a shrike bird下雨天,杜鹃鸟依旧推小鸟

The cuckoo bird still pushes the little bird, leaving only the child of a shrike bird下雨天,杜鹃鸟依旧推小鸟

The cuckoo pushed the bird, after dawn, only one little shrike remained in nest天亮后,窝里只剩1只小伯劳鸟,杜鹃鸟寄生

The cuckoo pushed the bird, after dawn, only one little shrike remained in nest天亮后,窝里只剩1只小伯劳鸟,杜鹃鸟寄生

The cuckoo bird pushed the little shrike out of nest, and the shrike mother saw it杜鹃鸟又把小伯劳鸟推出了窝外

The cuckoo bird pushed the little shrike out of nest, and the shrike mother saw it杜鹃鸟又把小伯劳鸟推出了窝外

The cuckoo pushed the smallest chick out of nest, but the shrike didn't know杜鹃鸟把最小的雏鸟推出了窝外

The cuckoo pushed the smallest chick out of nest, but the shrike didn't know杜鹃鸟把最小的雏鸟推出了窝外

The clever shrike was also deceived by the cuckoo bird杜鹃鸟寄生伯劳鸟,想不到聪明的伯劳鸟也被杜鹃鸟欺骗了

The clever shrike was also deceived by the cuckoo bird杜鹃鸟寄生伯劳鸟,想不到聪明的伯劳鸟也被杜鹃鸟欺骗了

The cuckoo bird is too diligent, turn its body to push the birds杜鹃鸟太勤奋了,背上没有小鸟,就侧过身子推小鸟

The cuckoo bird is too diligent, turn its body to push the birds杜鹃鸟太勤奋了,背上没有小鸟,就侧过身子推小鸟

The cuckoo bird parasitizes the shrike bird, and exhausts all the birds by pushing them杜鹃鸟寄生伯劳鸟

The cuckoo bird parasitizes the shrike bird, and exhausts all the birds by pushing them杜鹃鸟寄生伯劳鸟

The shrike did not stop the cuckoo bird from pushing child and fed the cuckoo bird伯劳鸟看着杜鹃鸟推自己的孩子

The shrike did not stop the cuckoo bird from pushing child and fed the cuckoo bird伯劳鸟看着杜鹃鸟推自己的孩子

The shrike's nest is too deep for the cuckoo to push out伯劳鸟的鸟窝太深了,杜鹃鸟推了一遍又一遍,还是推不出来

The shrike's nest is too deep for the cuckoo to push out伯劳鸟的鸟窝太深了,杜鹃鸟推了一遍又一遍,还是推不出来

The shrike was deceived by the cuckoo and fed insects to the cuckoo伯劳鸟被杜鹃鸟欺骗了,颜色不一样,伯劳鸟却看不出来

The shrike was deceived by the cuckoo and fed insects to the cuckoo伯劳鸟被杜鹃鸟欺骗了,颜色不一样,伯劳鸟却看不出来

The cuckoo is pushing small birds in the shrike's nest,the shrike feeds the cuckoo杜鹃鸟推小鸟,伯劳鸟却给杜鹃鸟喂食

The cuckoo is pushing small birds in the shrike's nest,the shrike feeds the cuckoo杜鹃鸟推小鸟,伯劳鸟却给杜鹃鸟喂食

The cuckoo bird doesn't get food, but it can push the little bird in circles杜鹃鸟没有得到食物,却能把小鸟推了一圈又一圈

The cuckoo bird doesn't get food, but it can push the little bird in circles杜鹃鸟没有得到食物,却能把小鸟推了一圈又一圈

The cuckoo bird parasitizes in the shrike nest杜鹃鸟寄生在伯劳鸟窝里,鸟妈妈能认出来吗?

The cuckoo bird parasitizes in the shrike nest杜鹃鸟寄生在伯劳鸟窝里,鸟妈妈能认出来吗?

The cuckoo was exhausted and pushed the little bird one circle after another杜鹃鸟累得筋疲力尽,把小鸟推了一圈又一圈

The cuckoo was exhausted and pushed the little bird one circle after another杜鹃鸟累得筋疲力尽,把小鸟推了一圈又一圈