The 4 stages of tumbling - 36,220,500,8000

The 4 stages of tumbling - 36,220,500,8000

Rubber Bands Save The Day As The Rebel 17 Rock Tumbler Drive Belt Breaks

Rubber Bands Save The Day As The Rebel 17 Rock Tumbler Drive Belt Breaks

DIY Vibratory Tumbler - Stage 2,3,4

DIY Vibratory Tumbler - Stage 2,3,4

DIY Vibratory Tumbler V2.0 - Test Run - UV18 Bowl

DIY Vibratory Tumbler V2.0 - Test Run - UV18 Bowl

DIY Vibratory Rock Tumbler - UV-18 Bowl - TOAUTO 60W Motor

DIY Vibratory Rock Tumbler - UV-18 Bowl - TOAUTO 60W Motor

On To Another Stage 2 - Raytech TV10

On To Another Stage 2 - Raytech TV10

Stage 1 - New Batch - Extreme Rebel 17 Rock Tumbler - On To Stage 2 Raytech TV10

Stage 1 - New Batch - Extreme Rebel 17 Rock Tumbler - On To Stage 2 Raytech TV10

Extreme Rebel 17 Rock Tumbler One Week Later

Extreme Rebel 17 Rock Tumbler One Week Later

Extreme Rebel 17 Rock Tumbler - Stage 1

Extreme Rebel 17 Rock Tumbler - Stage 1