😍嬉しさ爆発⁉️延々とお腹を叩き手を叩く2歳児ゴリラ👏Sumomo is happy that Toto has returned to the troop

😍嬉しさ爆発⁉️延々とお腹を叩き手を叩く2歳児ゴリラ👏Sumomo is happy that Toto has returned to the troop

😍トトもうスモモから離れないで❣️Auntie Toto, who is loved by a baby gorilla who was artificially nursed

😍トトもうスモモから離れないで❣️Auntie Toto, who is loved by a baby gorilla who was artificially nursed

🍇🍐🌿取られたら取り返す?😁Funny gorilla mom and son

🍇🍐🌿取られたら取り返す?😁Funny gorilla mom and son

🤨いつも行けてた庭に出られない!考えるゴリラ達🙄The Haoko family misses the large playground

🤨いつも行けてた庭に出られない!考えるゴリラ達🙄The Haoko family misses the large playground



🤣欲張りゴリラのモモカが面白い❗️Momoka, 11 years old, is skillful, greedy, and very funny❤️

🤣欲張りゴリラのモモカが面白い❗️Momoka, 11 years old, is skillful, greedy, and very funny❤️

☀️🥵自然の知恵、足を水に浸すゴリラ達Gorillas dip their feet in water in the intense heat

☀️🥵自然の知恵、足を水に浸すゴリラ達Gorillas dip their feet in water in the intense heat

いつでもママを綺麗にしてあげたいモモカ🥰Daughter gorilla wants to make mom beautiful

いつでもママを綺麗にしてあげたいモモカ🥰Daughter gorilla wants to make mom beautiful

😍恋しい妻を見つめ胸が高鳴る♂ゴリラ🦍Silverback wants to be by his beloved wife's side💗

😍恋しい妻を見つめ胸が高鳴る♂ゴリラ🦍Silverback wants to be by his beloved wife's side💗

⚡️雷と雨でゴリラの子達は興奮した⁉️😂 Gorilla children looking excited due to rain and thunder

⚡️雷と雨でゴリラの子達は興奮した⁉️😂 Gorilla children looking excited due to rain and thunder

🧊姉の大きな氷が欲しい弟妹ゴリラ達😁 Brother and sister gorillas want snacks from their big sister

🧊姉の大きな氷が欲しい弟妹ゴリラ達😁 Brother and sister gorillas want snacks from their big sister

妻トトの美しさを再確認した様なハオコ🥰Male gorilla reaffirms his wife's beauty✨

妻トトの美しさを再確認した様なハオコ🥰Male gorilla reaffirms his wife's beauty✨

🦍父ゴリラは群れのボス❗️The family members check out the boss gorilla's mood

🦍父ゴリラは群れのボス❗️The family members check out the boss gorilla's mood

🥰母ゴリラを心配する2歳の🦍スモモBaby gorilla looks worried about its mother who stutters

🥰母ゴリラを心配する2歳の🦍スモモBaby gorilla looks worried about its mother who stutters

2歳児スモモ😘トトおばちゃんの背中はまだまだ必要❣️Baby gorilla relies more on aunt than birth mother

2歳児スモモ😘トトおばちゃんの背中はまだまだ必要❣️Baby gorilla relies more on aunt than birth mother

😍楽しい姉兄らに囲まれ育つ2歳児Artificially fed gorilla grow smartly surrounded by fun and reliable older siblings

😍楽しい姉兄らに囲まれ育つ2歳児Artificially fed gorilla grow smartly surrounded by fun and reliable older siblings

🦍💨モモカ父ちゃんに追われる🤣Momoka doesn't want to give away her delicious fruit ice to anyone🧊

🦍💨モモカ父ちゃんに追われる🤣Momoka doesn't want to give away her delicious fruit ice to anyone🧊

食べ物は分けてあげないけど妹が大好きな姉ゴリラ😂The older sister's gorilla loves her younger sister💞

食べ物は分けてあげないけど妹が大好きな姉ゴリラ😂The older sister's gorilla loves her younger sister💞

Lively gorilla family☀️朝からにぎやかゴリラのハオコ家❣️

Lively gorilla family☀️朝からにぎやかゴリラのハオコ家❣️

🦍姉兄を出し抜き走る💨ゴリラの2歳児😳Sumomo the 2-yo gorilla who no longer needs her aunt's back⁉︎

🦍姉兄を出し抜き走る💨ゴリラの2歳児😳Sumomo the 2-yo gorilla who no longer needs her aunt's back⁉︎

😍大好きな場を独占してはしゃぐ子ゴリラが可愛い過ぎ❣️Baby Sumomo has her favorite playground all to herself and is having fun♪

😍大好きな場を独占してはしゃぐ子ゴリラが可愛い過ぎ❣️Baby Sumomo has her favorite playground all to herself and is having fun♪

🍅🌽🍆2歳児ゴリラ夏野菜ほおばりご機嫌♪Riki never stops bothering his mom😩

🍅🌽🍆2歳児ゴリラ夏野菜ほおばりご機嫌♪Riki never stops bothering his mom😩

🤣追い詰められた姉ゴリラの行動に爆笑🦍The gorilla's behavior is so human🤣

🤣追い詰められた姉ゴリラの行動に爆笑🦍The gorilla's behavior is so human🤣

笑い声が聴こえて来そう🥰仲良しゴリラ兄妹💞Sumomo the 2-yo gorilla loves playing with her older brother ♪

笑い声が聴こえて来そう🥰仲良しゴリラ兄妹💞Sumomo the 2-yo gorilla loves playing with her older brother ♪

🍧暑い日は人間もゴリラもこれですね😋 Gorillas are happy with ice in the intense heat🫠

🍧暑い日は人間もゴリラもこれですね😋 Gorillas are happy with ice in the intense heat🫠

😉なかなか水に浸る決心つかないスモモ⛲️A 2-yo gorilla who can't decide to go into the water despite the hot weather☀️

😉なかなか水に浸る決心つかないスモモ⛲️A 2-yo gorilla who can't decide to go into the water despite the hot weather☀️

😃兄の加勢に行く可愛い子ゴリラ😂 The little sister gorilla on the big brother's side is cute💞

😃兄の加勢に行く可愛い子ゴリラ😂 The little sister gorilla on the big brother's side is cute💞



😃初めて見る盲導犬に興味深々なゴリラ家族❤️Momoka likes grooming more than playing⁉️

😃初めて見る盲導犬に興味深々なゴリラ家族❤️Momoka likes grooming more than playing⁉️

🥹血縁関係の無いおばちゃんゴリラの無償の愛に改めて感動💝Auntie Gorilla Toto's unconditional love

🥹血縁関係の無いおばちゃんゴリラの無償の愛に改めて感動💝Auntie Gorilla Toto's unconditional love