Non destructive testing demo

Non destructive testing demo

Shims - Sait Millwright

Shims - Sait Millwright

Pry bar mechanical advantage

Pry bar mechanical advantage

Area of a Trapezoid

Area of a Trapezoid

Linear expansion lightboard

Linear expansion lightboard

Cylinder volume calculation

Cylinder volume calculation

Combined gas law

Combined gas law

Soft foot and rough shaft alignment

Soft foot and rough shaft alignment

Electric motor bearing replacement

Electric motor bearing replacement

Pipe Strain

Pipe Strain

Shaft straightening

Shaft straightening

Thread pitch gauge

Thread pitch gauge

Bolt and nut measurement

Bolt and nut measurement

Drive belt tension

Drive belt tension

Reciprocating compressor rod runout

Reciprocating compressor rod runout

Over centre clutch mechanism

Over centre clutch mechanism

Drive chain slack adjustment

Drive chain slack adjustment