#122 Building Fences

#122 Building Fences

#121 Final Touch on the Greenhouse

#121 Final Touch on the Greenhouse

#120 New Perspectives, Building a Swing, Cutting Grass

#120 New Perspectives, Building a Swing, Cutting Grass

#119 Fruit Trees, Irrigation, and New Fence for the Chicken Coop

#119 Fruit Trees, Irrigation, and New Fence for the Chicken Coop

#118 Greens in the Greenhouse

#118 Greens in the Greenhouse

#117 Building the Greenhouse Roof

#117 Building the Greenhouse Roof

#116 Family visiting, Building the Greenhouse

#116 Family visiting, Building the Greenhouse

#115 Start Building the Greenhouse

#115 Start Building the Greenhouse

#114 First Cabin Finished

#114 First Cabin Finished

#113 Finishing Wood paneling and Expanding the Chicken flock

#113 Finishing Wood paneling and Expanding the Chicken flock

#112 Foraging with Chiara

#112 Foraging with Chiara

#111 A rainy week working inside on wood panelling

#111 A rainy week working inside on wood panelling

#110 Wood Wall paneling and April Storms

#110 Wood Wall paneling and April Storms

#109 Flower box, Fire Pit and Curtains

#109 Flower box, Fire Pit and Curtains

#108 Fire pit, Wood paneling, Fences

#108 Fire pit, Wood paneling, Fences

#107 Arched Door Frame, Copper Shower, Planting Potatoes

#107 Arched Door Frame, Copper Shower, Planting Potatoes

#106 It all starts sunny but then winter returns

#106 It all starts sunny but then winter returns

#105 First Signs of Spring

#105 First Signs of Spring

Masonry Stove and Stone Stairway | Complete Build

Masonry Stove and Stone Stairway | Complete Build

#104 Stone Floor Finished

#104 Stone Floor Finished

#103 Severe Storms

#103 Severe Storms

#102 Winter has returned, and so have the Wolves

#102 Winter has returned, and so have the Wolves

#101 Sewing Curtains, News about the Work Shop, Tiling the floor

#101 Sewing Curtains, News about the Work Shop, Tiling the floor

#100 Goodbye, Jimny

#100 Goodbye, Jimny

#99 Building Plans for this Year

#99 Building Plans for this Year

#98 I'm back

#98 I'm back

YEAR TWO | Renovating Two Stone Cabins in the Italian Alps

YEAR TWO | Renovating Two Stone Cabins in the Italian Alps

Fire in the Masonry Stove | Start to finish

Fire in the Masonry Stove | Start to finish

#97 Wrapping Up

#97 Wrapping Up

#96 Plumbing, Electricity, Kitchen

#96 Plumbing, Electricity, Kitchen