Oliver takes all his toys to bed

Oliver takes all his toys to bed

Cute beagle's 6 favorite things to do on holiday

Cute beagle's 6 favorite things to do on holiday

We changed Oliver's name

We changed Oliver's name

🏕️ Cute beagle goes camping in a rooftop tent (2024 edition)

🏕️ Cute beagle goes camping in a rooftop tent (2024 edition)

Cute beagle eats entire burger

Cute beagle eats entire burger

Oliver's new tail

Oliver's new tail

Oliver wants more toast

Oliver wants more toast

Oliver is tired of wearing cone of shame

Oliver is tired of wearing cone of shame

Cute beagle won't let cone of shame stop him

Cute beagle won't let cone of shame stop him

First look at Oliver's scar

First look at Oliver's scar

Saving Oliver's tail

Saving Oliver's tail

Cute beagle is ready for lunch (2024 edition)

Cute beagle is ready for lunch (2024 edition)

How many pillows does one beagle need?

How many pillows does one beagle need?

Cute beagle wears Carhartt jacket in snow (2023 edition)

Cute beagle wears Carhartt jacket in snow (2023 edition)

How is Oliver reacting to the new house?

How is Oliver reacting to the new house?

Cute beagle helps build Halloween house

Cute beagle helps build Halloween house

Cute beagle's new house (2023 edition)

Cute beagle's new house (2023 edition)

🏁 2023 road trip FINALE! Oliver goes to In-N-Out burger 🏁

🏁 2023 road trip FINALE! Oliver goes to In-N-Out burger 🏁

2023 road trip! Oliver goes to Grand Teton and tries huckleberry ice cream (Part 2)

2023 road trip! Oliver goes to Grand Teton and tries huckleberry ice cream (Part 2)

2023 road trip! Oliver goes to Yellowstone in his new truck 🛻 (Part 1)

2023 road trip! Oliver goes to Yellowstone in his new truck 🛻 (Part 1)

Saying goodbye to Rocky

Saying goodbye to Rocky

Cute beagle says it's time for bed

Cute beagle says it's time for bed

Oliver is licking everything

Oliver is licking everything

Cute beagle announces his presence to the world

Cute beagle announces his presence to the world

Cute beagle reviews car vacuums

Cute beagle reviews car vacuums

Cute beagle is craving toast

Cute beagle is craving toast

Cute beagle helps to make the bed

Cute beagle helps to make the bed

Cute beagle goes on a rabbit hunt

Cute beagle goes on a rabbit hunt

Cute beagle doesn't want to go for a walk

Cute beagle doesn't want to go for a walk

Looking into my beagle's eyes

Looking into my beagle's eyes