Why aren’t we automatically registered to vote? With this program, we could be

Why aren’t we automatically registered to vote? With this program, we could be

Registering to vote is unnecessarily complicated. Here’s 1 simple solution:

Registering to vote is unnecessarily complicated. Here’s 1 simple solution:

Why the 1999 Power Mac G4 was named weapon of war

Why the 1999 Power Mac G4 was named weapon of war

Look inside the first commercial space station | Hard Reset

Look inside the first commercial space station | Hard Reset

This lab is using a particle accelerator to build a battery that lasts forever | Hard Reset Podcast

This lab is using a particle accelerator to build a battery that lasts forever | Hard Reset Podcast

Former SpaceX engineer invents a “Robotic Blacksmith Army” | Hard Reset

Former SpaceX engineer invents a “Robotic Blacksmith Army” | Hard Reset

This slime is 10x stronger than water. Here’s how it’s saving lives | Hard Reset Podcast #14

This slime is 10x stronger than water. Here’s how it’s saving lives | Hard Reset Podcast #14

Maps say this place doesn’t exist. But that’s not true

Maps say this place doesn’t exist. But that’s not true

A robot delivery idea so crazy it just might work | Hard Reset

A robot delivery idea so crazy it just might work | Hard Reset

The recycling industry is not what you think. Here’s how we fix it | Hard Reset Podcast Episode #13

The recycling industry is not what you think. Here’s how we fix it | Hard Reset Podcast Episode #13

“I will not fight:” Viral poet says accepting cancer gave them more life

“I will not fight:” Viral poet says accepting cancer gave them more life

The Mars crisis, explained by 2 experts | Hard Reset

The Mars crisis, explained by 2 experts | Hard Reset

The tech of tomorrow: Haptics, Desktop CNC, Hyundai E-Corner | Hard Reset

The tech of tomorrow: Haptics, Desktop CNC, Hyundai E-Corner | Hard Reset

Bryan Johnson lives by one rule: “Don’t die” | The Hard Reset Interview

Bryan Johnson lives by one rule: “Don’t die” | The Hard Reset Interview

Large-scale, lab-grown meat: Step inside a cultivated meat factory | Hard Reset

Large-scale, lab-grown meat: Step inside a cultivated meat factory | Hard Reset

Humans cause 90% of wildfires. Could computers prevent 100%? | Hard Reset Podcast Episode #12

Humans cause 90% of wildfires. Could computers prevent 100%? | Hard Reset Podcast Episode #12

De-escalating dangerous workplace confrontations

De-escalating dangerous workplace confrontations

Meet Apollo, the real-life robot who wants to give you more free time | Hard Reset

Meet Apollo, the real-life robot who wants to give you more free time | Hard Reset

Scientists invented an oil spill “magic eraser.” Can it take on Big Oil? Hard Reset Podcast #11

Scientists invented an oil spill “magic eraser.” Can it take on Big Oil? Hard Reset Podcast #11

Animating in real time? This suit is changing cinema forever | Hard Reset

Animating in real time? This suit is changing cinema forever | Hard Reset

Real-time maps made by tiny satellites will change open-source data forever | Hard Reset Podcast #10

Real-time maps made by tiny satellites will change open-source data forever | Hard Reset Podcast #10

Does Bryan Johnson’s $2m biohacking routine actually work? We tested it to see | Hard Reset

Does Bryan Johnson’s $2m biohacking routine actually work? We tested it to see | Hard Reset

This group is investing in Muslim communities to shift harmful perceptions

This group is investing in Muslim communities to shift harmful perceptions

What is Generative AI? It’s going to alter everything about how we use the internet | Hard Reset

What is Generative AI? It’s going to alter everything about how we use the internet | Hard Reset

Why are we giving more space to cars than people? Hard Reset Podcast #9

Why are we giving more space to cars than people? Hard Reset Podcast #9

Starlink’s newest competitor is using next-gen satellites to create internet for all | Hard Reset

Starlink’s newest competitor is using next-gen satellites to create internet for all | Hard Reset

Meet the young people mobilizing Gen-Z ahead of the 2024 election

Meet the young people mobilizing Gen-Z ahead of the 2024 election

Masterclass co-founder explains the secret to standing out in any industry

Masterclass co-founder explains the secret to standing out in any industry

We got into an autonomous vehicle to answer all of your questions | Hard Reset Podcast #8

We got into an autonomous vehicle to answer all of your questions | Hard Reset Podcast #8

What is the Metaverse, exactly?

What is the Metaverse, exactly?